HDR Complaints and Grievances

What is a ‘complaint’?

The terms ‘complaint’ and ‘grievance’ can be used interchangeably. The Student (Related) Grievance Handling Policy refers to 'grievances’ and provides a definition, however in general, when people refer to complaints and/or grievances, they usually mean the same thing.

The first step is to decide how you want to deal with your complaint. There are two ways of addressing complaints:

  1. The first way is sometimes referred to as an ‘informal’ process. This means that if you have a complaint, you raise it directly with the person or work unit concerned and attempt to resolve the matter by discussing what happened and how it might be addressed.
  2. The second way is by formal complaint. This is normally a complaint made in writing, and sent to the responsible University Officer. In most cases, formal complaints cannot be made anonymously, and a copy of the written complaint will be given to the person/s who are the subject of the complaint. There are some categories of complaint that can be made anonymously but these generally relate to whistle-blowing contexts and not to complaints about the day to day conduct of graduate research.

At this stage, it is a very good idea to get some advice before deciding between these two options. You can get advice about how to make a complaint at UNE from the Student Grievance Unit or UNE's Advocacy and Welfare staff. Staff in these units can give you some initial advice about your options.

Do you have a complaint?

UNE is committed to a fair and equitable work environment and takes all complaints and grievances seriously. Complaints can assist the University to improve services and systems. The resources below are provided to help HDR candidates understand how to make a complaint, and the policies and processes under which those complaints are processed.

If you are thinking about making a complaint, you may find the HDR Complaints and Grievances Guide a helpful resource.


HDR candidates who wish to make a complaint are encouraged to seek independent advice about how best to proceed. The following people can provide advice:

Student Grievance Unit

Advocacy and Welfare

School HDR Coordinator

NSW Ombudsman's Office


UNE Student Policies

Because HDR candidates are enrolled students at the University, the following complaints handling policies may apply to situations where complaints arise.

Student (Related) Grievance Handling Policy

Student (Related) Grievance Handling Procedures

Student Behavioural Misconduct Rules

Research Conduct Policies

Because HDR candidates are researchers at the University, the following research conduct rules and policies may apply where complaints arise.

HDR Student Responsible Research Conduct Policy

Code of Conduct for Research Rule

Procedures for Investigating Research Related Conduct Breaches or Related Complaints

Authorship Rule

UNE Policies and Rules

Because HDR candidates work on campus, the following UNE policies and rules may apply where complaints arise.

Code of Conduct

Conflict of Interest Policy

Sex-Based Harassment Policy

Support Services

If you are thinking about making a complaint and are in need of support, you are able to access UNE Counselling.