HDR Travel Guidelines

Graphic with brief information about the travel booking process for HDR students

It is important to familiarise yourself with UNE’s Travel Policy before undertaking travel.

PLEASE NOTE that a Travel Request is essential for ALL HDR travel more than 120km from your research workplace (e.g. UNE for on campus students or residential address for external students) which is required to conduct activities such as fieldwork, conferences, research training, to conduct research meetings, interviews, or site visits. For ground travel (motor vehicle within a 120km radius, a Travel Request is only required if a claim will be made e.g. mileage allowance or meals).

Obtaining approval from your Principal Supervisor is essential for ALL travel, even when a Travel Request is not required.

If you have not registered to use the FCM Travel Hub, use these Student Travel Self-Registration Instructions to get started.

Submitting a Travel Request and Booking Travel 

A Travel Request (TR) must be submitted and approved via the FCM Pre-Trip Approve system prior to undertaking UNE travel.

A link to the FCM Travel Hub can be found on the UNE Staff homepage under Travel@UNE.

Screenshot of the location of the travel link

FCM is the mandated travel service provider for UNE and must be used by UNE staff and students. All airfares must be booked within the UNE booking system as UNE receives a discount which is not available on other websites. If you find a cheaper option elsewhere you can contact FCM to request a Price Beat.

Even if you are personally funding your trip or have a third party paying for some/all of your trip, a Travel Request (TR) is still required for approval. For more information visit the Travel FAQ document below.

Risk Assessment Form

First, complete the relevant Risk Assessment Form. This must be completed approved by your Supervisor and the Head of School BEFORE lodging a travel request.

The WHS F020 Risk Assessment (Microsoft Users) or WHS F020 Risk Assessment (Mac Users) is required for all International Travel.

The WHS F012 Fieldwork Participant Declaration and WHS F079 Fieldwork Risk Assessment is required when undertaking fieldwork.

PLEASE NOTE: on the WHS F012 Fieldwork Participant Declaration form “fieldwork participant” refers to researchers, not research subjects or research informants such as interviewees, survey respondents, or members of schools, hospitals, communities, or organisations that contribute information to the research.

Visit the Risk Management Tools website for more information.

UNE Funding

If UNE funding is required for the trip, please contact the Resource Officer in your Faculty (ask your Supervisor if you do not know who this is) to confirm the available funding amount and the cost code that should be used. A PDF copy of this email should be included with your travel application.

Please ensure all costing requirements are listed in the travel request – further costs may not be able to be approved/reimbursed if they were not originally listed on the approved travel request.

Supporting Documentation

You must provide a copy of written approval from your Principal Supervisor, such as a PDF copy of an email.

It's also helpful if you include relevant supporting documentation, for example, if you are attending a conference, provide a copy of the Conference Program.

Travel Approval

Domestic travel is to be approved by the relevant Head of School, Director, member of the Senior Executive, or nominated deputy approver subject to budget affordability and grant conditions within financial delegation.

International travel is approved by the relevant Executive Dean of Faculty, Director and the relevant Senior Executive subject to budget affordability and grant conditions within financial delegation (Level 1 approval). Nominated deputy approvers must NOT approve international travel, regardless of financial delegation. Once the Executive Dean of Faculty, Director and the relevant member of Senior Executive have provided approval, the travel request will be sent to the Chief Operating Officer for Level 2 approval prior to UNE Insurance to review, providing action and approval for insurance coverage.

Booking Travel

Once the travel request has been approved, please use the FCM link located in the approval email to book the flights/accommodation etc where possible.  If you are unable to complete your booking online due to the need for special requirements (e.g. requiring specific accommodation) or if your trip requires a complex booking of more than 5 travel sectors (eg. sections of travel, such as ARM-SYD), then you are able to select “SEND TO FCM” from within the FCM booking tool. The FCM’s travel experts will then assist in booking the approved travel on your behalf.

Please ensure that travel requests are submitted 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the travel to ensure all approvals can be provided.

Travel FAQ

If you have any questions, you may find the answer in this Travel FAQs document.

The FCM Travel Hub has a lot of helpful resources to assist you, including instructional videos.

Travel FAQ screenshot

Should you require additional assistance contact travel@une.edu.au

Using a private Vehicle

Travellers may only seek approval to use a private motor vehicle for travel on University business in exceptional cases, we suggest referring to the UNE Travel Policy (Section 2, Part F - Ground Travel | Private Vehicle) for the rules around using your own vehicle.

After reading the policy, if you still wish to use your own vehicle for travel, you must allow plenty of time for the travel request to be processed, as it requires approval from the Executive Dean of your Faculty .

Travel Insurance and Emergencies

The University has comprehensive insurance cover in place for all University representatives travelling on University business. Travellers should download a copy of the Certificate of Currency and make themselves aware of the cover it provides and take a copy with them when travelling.

Name of Insurance Company: Chubb Insurance

University Policy Number: 93103434

For more information please contact: insurance@une.edu.au during office hours Mon-Fri 0900-1700hrs (AEST)

Business Travel Insurance

Please note: this is an exact copy of information provided on the UNE Insurance website which is only available with a staff log in (information copied on 4/04/2024)

Travelling on business comes with a host of common and complex risks. The University’s Business Travel insurance held with Chubb (PeopleSure) provides comprehensive coverage against these exposures for approved UNE travellers.

Who is covered?

  1. All employees (part time and fulltime), Honorary Appointees, Honorary Associates, Adjuncts and Emeritus Professors.
  2. Enrolled students (including students on remission, work experience, compulsory practicum and similar approved University activities).
  3. Voluntary workers (registered through Human Resources Services).
  4. Visiting academics/scholars (including consultants) - provided they do not hold alternative travel insurance.
  5. All nominated academics on a work permit with the University, provided they are not an Australian resident.
  6. All other persons nominated by the University’s Internal Insurance Office to the insurer prior to the commencement of an international journey (***Schools and Directorates must contact the University’s Internal Insurance Office to arrange travel insurance cover for any travellers falling into this category***).
  7. Visiting international students who do not have travel insurance (including medical and repatriation insurance), or Australian Private Health Insurance. Students in this category will normally be those attending ‘short courses’ at the University.

What is covered?

Overseas medical and evacuation/repatriation expenses

If an insured person is on an overseas journey and suffers a bodily injury, or sickness the insurer will pay up to the sums insured within the policy section titled ‘Overseas Medical and Evacuation’.


All reasonable medical costs incurred outside the traveller’s country of residence, for hospital, surgical or other diagnostic or remedial treatment given or prescribed by a Doctor.

Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for two (2) close relatives or travelling companions of the insured person, who on the advice of a Doctor or specialist are required to travel or remain with the insured person.

Reasonable expenses related to the evacuation of the insured person including necessary expenses incurred for qualified medical staff to accompany the insured person.

Ongoing medical costs incurred after the insured person’s return home to their country of residence as a direct result of their bodily injury or sickness, for a period of up to twenty four (24) months from the date of the bodily injury or sickness. Cover for ongoing expenses incurred within the insured person’s country  of residence will be limited to twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) unless such country is Australia.

Reasonable expenses related to the repatriation of the insured person to the most suitable hospital or the insured person’s country of residence;

Reasonable expenses incurred outside the insured person’s country of residence, including:

  • For emergency dental treatment necessary to restore or replace sound natural teeth lost or damaged;
  • To resolve acute, spontaneous and unexpected onset of pain; or
  • To repair, replace or adjust dentures to a maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), provided those expenses are incurred as a direct result of the insured person’s bodily injury.

Loss of deposits, Cancellation and curtailment

Loss of deposits

If prior to the commencement of a journey an insured person incurs the loss of pre-paid travel and accommodation expenses, following the necessary alteration, curtailment or cancellation of the planned journey as a result of:

  • Unexpected death, bodily injury or sickness of the insured person;
  • Unexpected death, serious injury or sickness of an insured person’s close relative, close business associate or travelling companion;
  • Any other unforeseen circumstance outside the control of the traveller.

The cover will meet the non-refundable, unused portion of travel and accommodation expenses that were paid in advance.

Cancellation and curtailment

If whilst an insured person is on a journey incurs loss of prepaid travel and/or accommodation expenses; or reasonable additional travel and/or accommodation expenses, not budgeted or paid; as a result of:

  • Unexpected death, bodily injury or sickness of the insured person;
  • Unexpected death, serious injury or sickness of an insured person’s close relative, close business associate or travelling companion;
  • Any other unforeseen circumstance outside the control of the traveller.

The cover will meet the non-refundable, unused portion of travel and accommodation expenses that were paid in advance.

Missed transport connection and overbooked flights

Missed transport connection

If, whilst on a journey an insured person misses a transport connection due to unforeseeable circumstances outside their control, and the insured person must attend a scheduled business meeting, or conference, which cannot be rescheduled, the policy will cover the extra expenses incurred for alternative scheduled public transport to enable the insured person to attend the meeting or conference.

Overbooked flights

If, whilst on a journey an insured person is denied boarding due to an overbooked airline flight and no alternative transport is available within (8) hours of the scheduled departure time, the insured person is entitled to claim for any resultant direct or indirect expenses, incurred as a consequence of the overbooked flight.

Luggage, money and portable business equipment

Deprivation of luggage

If an insured person is on a journey and their accompanying personal luggage is delayed, misdirected, or temporarily misplaced by any transport carrier for more than eight consecutive hours, the traveler claim reasonable expenses to provide necessary ‘emergency’ essential items such as clothing, toiletries and medication, up to the amount stated in the policy schedule.

To make a claim?

Please complete the Travel Insurance Claim Form and send it to the Insurance Office at insurance@une.edu.au.

International Business Travel Insurance

Please note: this is an exact copy of information provided on the UNE Insurance website which is only available with a staff log in (information copied on 4/04/2024)

International SOS is the provider of UNE's Employee Travel Assistance Program.

Through International SOS, UNE's student and staff travellers have access to a 24/7 resource that is on call, online and even on the ground to help with any medical, safety, security and logistical questions, concerns and situations that may arise when travelling overseas.

International SOS wallet sized 'World Wide Reach' cards contain both the International SOS website and a phone number that can be called in the event of an emergency or for pre-travel advice. Their comprehensive website has practical country-specific guidance.

Access to member-only International SOS resources.

Making a Claim

All claims are administered by the UNE Insurance Office, as part of Financial Services Directorate.

For any other claims, please contact insurance@une.edu.au for guidance, instruction and support.

Emergency Situations Overseas

Emergency Situations Overseas

World Travel Protection are a concierge service who liaise between UNE travellers, hospitals, security firms, airlines and UNE’s insurers to get our people out of dangerous situations and back home in one piece.

For any medical or security emergencies please contact World Travel Protection on +612 8907 5686 or via the Travel Assist V2 by WTP Mobile App.

Your travel itinerary will also include Information on how to download and register via the Travel Assist V2 by WTP Mobile App. Travellers should download the Travel Assist V2 by WTP Mobile App before embarking on official UNE travel to ensure they can call for assistance at anytime and also receive important travel alerts.

When staff and students travel on official university business, they are covered 24/7 with:

  • comprehensive travel insurance, and;
  • medical, logistical and security advice and support, through World Travel Protection (WTP).

Download the WTP welcome pack which includes all relevant information for UNE travellers and also Includes a QR code for the travellers to download the Travel Assist App.

If you still have questions contact:

UNE Travel team travel@une.edu.au , or

UNE Insurance team insurance@une.edu.au