Helpful Information

Research Ethics

If you are conducting research that involves either humans or animals, then you will need to apply for Ethics Approval prior to data collection.

Please note that ethics approval is mandated under Australian law. Higher Degree Research candidates should discuss any ethical implications or issues with their supervisors as early as possible in their candidature.

Further information and application forms related to ethics approval are available on the Ethics and Grants website.

Research Integrity

The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) (ACRCR 2018), developed by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Research Council and Universities Australia, articulates the principles and responsibilities that characterise an honest, ethical and conscientious research culture.

Research integrity is consistent and coherent respect for, and adherence to, these principles and responsibilities of research.

Further information visit the Research Integrity website.

UNE Student Support and Services Contact Details

At UNE we have a great support system for our students studying on campus and online, including your study, career development, your well being and mental health. From administrative to personal support services, UNE's goal is to ensure your university life is as easy and enjoyable as possible! You can access these services via the Student Support Website.

Below we provide some quick links to UNE services that are available to support HDR students.

Academic Skills Office(02) 6773 3600
IT Services(02) 6773 5000
Library Service Desk(02) 6773 2458
Research Services Directorate(02) 6773 3715
Safety, Security and Information(02) 6773 2099
SportUNE(02) 6773 5181
Student Fees and Accounts(02) 6773 2664
Student Grievance Unit(02) 6773 4260
Students LIFE(02) 6773 4059
Student Services(02) 6773 2000
UNE Student Counselling and Psychological Services(02) 6773 2897
Student Access and Inclusion(02) 6773 2897
UNE International(02) 6773 3192
Course Rules

Information about your course can be found in the Course Catalogue.

For students that enrolled prior to 2020 you can assess information about your course via this Course Catalogue.

UNE Policies

The course rules for higher degrees can be found in the UNE Course and Unit Catalogue. Other aspects of candidature are governed by UNE Rules, Policies, Procedures and Guidelines and these can all be found in the UNE Policy Library under 'H'.

Using AskUNE
  • Log in (using your UNE student credentials)
  • Click 'Contact Us' tab
  • Type 'Subject' (for example: "DVCR Completion Scholarship Mid-Point Milestone Report")
  • Type your 'Question' (does not need to be a question, you could write "please find attached report")
  • Select 'Topic'
    • For example: Scholarships > Scholarship applications
  • Attach the document
  • Select 'Continue'

HDR students can now request and book their own travel via FCM. For more information about travel, refer to HDR Travel Guidelines.

Create or re-set your travel profile

Self-Registration Instructions

These instructions are specifically for students who have not yet created a travel profile.

Existing Travel Profile Instructions

These instructions are for students who already have a travel profile. You will need to re-set your password using these instructions before you can log into the FCM Travel Hub.

What next?

Once you have created or reset your travel profile you will be able to log into the FCM Travel Hub and there are a lot of  travel videos and resources available with the travel hub on how to make travel bookings.