
Milestone Overview Download

The University is committed to providing structured progress management to all HDR Candidates to ensure satisfactory progress is being made by identifying and supporting you to address progress issues which may arise during enrolment. Your progression is supported by a sequence of activities that include up to three milestone reviews. They are designed to support and facilitate your progress towards your thesis submission date, providing you with an opportunity to receive structured feedback on progress to date.

Milestone reviews must consider quality and progress, your plans for professional development to facilitate and finalise high quality, ethical and timely research, under the guidance of appropriate supervision.

Milestones provide an opportunity for HDR Candidates to raise any issues that are affecting progress, so that action to address these issues can be considered and implemented where appropriate.

For more information about the HDR Milestones, please see the following pages and refer to the HDR Milestones Policy.

Confirmation of Candidature

Mid-Point Milestone

Thesis Review

Annual Review (For candidates without a milestone review in a twelve month period)

Helpful Presentation Information


Doctoral Candidates must undertake three milestones and Masters by Research Candidates must undertake two.

Full-time equivalent MilestonesMasters by Research Candidate TimingDoctoral Candidate Timing
Induction including Supervision Agreement form submission3 months FTE after commencement3 months FTE after commencement
Confirmation of Candidate (Milestone 1)6 months FTE after commencement12 months FTE after commencement
Mid-Point Review (Milestone 2)N/A24 months FTE after commencement
Thesis Review (Milestone 3)18 months FTE after commencement36 months FTE after commencement

Recommended timings of the milestones for part-time HDR Candidates are outlined in the below table:

Part-time equivalent MilestonesMasters by Research Candidate TimingDoctoral Candidate Timing
Induction including Supervision Agreement form submission3 months after commencement3 months after commencement
Confirmation of Candidate (Milestone 1)12 months after commencement24 months after commencement
Mid-Point Review (Milestone 2)N/A48 months after commencement
Thesis Review (Milestone 3)36 months FTE after commencement72 months after commencement
Milestone Required Documents
Milestone RequirementsConfirmation of CandidatureMid-Point ReviewThesis Review
A research proposal (confirmation of candidature) including a budget and completion timeline.YesNo No
Progress report outlining what has been achieved since prior milestone and a timetable for completing the remaining research and writing, achievement of the goals set and obstacles encountered.NoYesYes
Evidence of completion of compulsory Inductions and Training and listed in the Research Development Training GuideYesNoNo

Draft chapter of the thesis, or
equivalent, as deemed appropriate for the discipline. No set word count- seek advice of Principal Supervisor for discipline norms.

Yes – PHD ONLY Thesis Chapter or writing sample - drawn from introductory section of the thesis (e.g., developed literature review or methodology).

Creative Practice PHD ONLY– includes a sample of creative work and a piece of scholarly writing.

Yes — draft
chapter required
Yes — draft chapter
required in addition to preliminary pages (abstract, declarations, keywords, table of contents) plus a sample page of the works cited.
Evidence of peer review of written work since the previous milestone OR
Submit a writing sample for review to a discipline representative/expert reader who is not a member of the supervision team.
A referee’s report on a journal article based on a thesis chapter, editorial feedback on a book chapter or a sample of creative writing from the thesis, or an email containing feedback on a draft thesis chapter from an academic mentor or a member of a disciplinary research network.
NoYes – feedback on at least one piece of new written work (from or directly relevant to thesis  – 2,500 wordsYes
Sample page of works cited in the thesis (bibliography).NoNoYes
Any other requirements the school deems necessary.YesYesYes
Milestone Review Panel

The Milestone Review Panel is responsible for assessing and making determinations as to whether a HDR Candidate has met the relevant criteria to pass a milestone.

Panel Membership will consist of:

  • Chair, (Head of School or nominee, or the School HDR Coordinator);
  • Principal Supervisor;
  • Co-Supervisor(s);
  • At least one suitably qualified discipline representative (who may be internal or external to the University) of the Candidate's disciplinary area nominated by the Principal Supervisor or Head of School (or nominee);
  • The Panel may co-opt additional expertise as required.

The discipline representative may also be called the expert reader and is the panel member who will review any written requirements as part of the milestone.

During the meeting you will be interviewed separately and together with the supervision team. During the meeting the supervisors exit and you will have the opportunity to have a confidential discussion about supervision, to review your Study Access Plan (if applicable), or to raise other concerns. Subsequently the candidate exits while the committee discusses the supervision and the candidate’s progress in confidence.


The decisions available to the Milestone Review Panel are:

  • Passed;
  • Conditions (milestone is not achieved until certain conditions are met, with a specified timeline);
  • HDR Candidate is asked to redo milestone;
  • Milestone is not achieved and a recommendation is made by the relevant Chair to the Graduate Research School that candidature be terminated.

You may apply for an extension to your milestone given extenuating circumstances. The Milestone Extension form must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Research School no later than two (2) weeks prior to the originally timed milestone. You may only be granted a maximum of two (2) months extension to the milestone deadline.

If an extension is granted, future milestones will not move forward and it will not extend any period of candidature.

If you are undertaking mandatory coursework as part of your degree, you may be eligible for a milestone extension.