Thesis Review

The purpose of the Pre-Submission Seminar is to:

  1. assess whether the HDR Candidate's progress is satisfactory, and the project is on track for completion within the required time frame;
  2. ensure that the scope, originality and quality of the HDR Candidate's thesis will be of an appropriate standard for external examination by the expected submission date;
  3. assess whether the HDR Candidate's thesis engages with the relevant literature and shows an advanced knowledge of research principles and methods relevant to the discipline;
  4. ensure the HDR Candidate's thesis makes a significant and original contribution to knowledge (PhD) or shows originality in the application of knowledge (Masters);
  5. evaluate whether the HDR Candidate's quality of writing meets the standard expected of a higher degree;
  6. provide independent written feedback about the HDR Candidate's readiness for examination by the expected date of submission;
  7. ensure that the HDR Candidate demonstrates that their research has been conducted in accordance with applicable policies and procedures;
  8. provide appropriate feedback to the HDR Candidate about the readiness (or otherwise) of the thesis for examination, providing feedback on any issues that need to be addressed prior to submission;
  9. ensure that the HDR Candidate has completed, where applicable, any required coursework units or training activities, as per their program requirements; and
  10. ensure that the Supervisor/s have begun to discuss and identify potential examiners, and are aware of any specific examination requirements pertaining to the candidate, such as joint or dual award arrangements, or where there is a performance or other component specific to the candidate's degree.

Required Documents

Required Documents

All candidates should refer to the document requirements as listed in the Milestone Required Documents section. Documents are to be received by the Milestone Review Panel at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the panel meeting.

Oral Presentation

Between mid-candidature review and thesis review, you must deliver a oral presentation to the school with the milestone review panel present. You may request permission from the HDR Coordinator to have a conference presentation delivered since the previous milestone count in place of the oral presentation requirement.

You must demonstrate clarity of ideas and knowledge of the field and you must show that you have the ability to engage the audience in a considered discussion of their research project and respond to questions that examiners may raise.

The oral presentation is as follows:

  • A presentation of up to 20 minutes by you that outlines the argument, conclusions, and significance of the research project, followed by approximately 10 minutes where members of the enrolling unit or school ask questions and make suggestions.
  • The seminar should begin with a brief contextual overview of the thesis; however, the main purpose of the seminar is to present the findings and contribution to the field and the implications of the research as drafted in the thesis conclusion or a culminating chapter.