Research Pathways Conference

The University of New England hosts the Research Pathways Conference on an annual basis, where students and early career researchers have the opportunity to present their research. This conference not only highlights the existing knowledge within the UNE community but also facilitates connections among researchers. By showcasing the work of our researchers, this event serves as a platform to demonstrate their innovation and resilience in an accessible manner.

This event aims to be inclusive and accessible to more researchers at UNE, not only HDR students, but Honours, Coursework Masters and Early Career Researchers as well.

This year the Research Pathways Conference will be held on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 October at the UNE Business School and the theme is:

Building Resilient Communities

Contact us via email if you have an questions,

Call for Abstracts and Posters

We invite all HDRs, Coursework Masters, Bachelor Honors and Early Career Researchers to submit an Abstract or register to submit a Poster.

Please complete the RPC Abstract and Poster Submission Guidelines (below) and submit to by Wednesday 7 August.

Submission Guidelines

Artwork Competition

Do you want your artwork to be the centerpiece of the Research Pathways Conference? Your artwork could be prominently displayed on our website, postcards, abstract booklet, and other promotional materials.

The Research Pathways Conference committee are requesting artistic submissions from UNE research students or staff which will be used by the University of New England for marketing, web and media for the 2024 Research Pathways Conference.

Submissions can include various artistic medium such as painting, drawing, digital art or photography (strictly no AI generated images), and the artwork should relate to the Conference theme.

Research Pathways Conference Committee members will judge the entrees by voting for their favourite. The Committee is made up of staff and students from across the University of New England.

Submissions must be emailed to the Research Pathways Conference Committee via by Sunday, 23 June 2024. Submissions entered after the closing date will not be considered.

Not only will the winner get to see their art submission used across the university for promoting the Conference, but they will also receive a $250 cash prize!

You can download the Artist Brief and Expression of Interest Form for more information.

Artwork by PhD student of a robotic bee

The winner of the 2023 RPC Artwork Competition is “Robo Bee” by Cassandra Brooker.

Cassandra is currently doing a PhD by Creative Practice in Peace Studies, her title is “Deploying Information Warfare Tactics in Support of Environmental Peace: How Art as Activism Can Influence Conservation Action”.

Story of Entry: A robotic bee with the Doomsday Clock on its back and nuclear powered brain is juxtaposed against a bunch of seemingly beautiful blooms - but which are actually introduced exotic species not native to Australia. In light of recent pollinator deaths and invasive species thriving in damaged ecosystems, does our future resilience and sustainability require innovation in providing technological solutions, such as robotic pollinators? The background music and textural imperfect artwork itself speaks to the contribution that creativity provides to critical thinking and innovation.

Conference Presentation Training

Conference Presentations training will be available soon.

This is a great way to learn skills on how to prepare for the upcoming Research Pathways Conference, or any other presentation you might be doing in the future.

Dr Michelle Jamieson was the facilitator. Michelle has created The Mindful Researcher program, which is an evidence-based academic skills and wellness suite of training. You can read more about Michelle's experience and qualifications here.

Writing a Conference Paper Abstract

Crafting an Engaging Presentation Narrative and PowerPoint Slides

Writing an Academic Biography

Mindful Presenting 1: Managing Nerves During Conference Presentations

Mindful Presenting 2: Responding to Questions and Feedback

Facilitated presentation practice session

This was a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) funded workshop.

The New England Award

The New England Award (NEA) program is designed to encourage, recognise and reward students’ personal and professional development through participation in extra-curricular activity. It is open to all UNE students and is targeted at ‘whole person’ development. A collaborative framework incorporating internal and external partners provides development opportunities to UNE students, unifying otherwise unrelated activities under one ‘umbrella’. The NEA provides students with a structure within which to plan and reflect upon their learning and development. The NEA contributes significantly to student development and personal growth and provides learning experiences which have a positive impact on student engagement.

If you wish to apply for this award, please complete the New England Award section in the Abstract and Biography Submission Form.

Enquiries: |  Contact details for the Graduate Research School.

Conference Prizes

PowerPoint Presentations - The Research Pathways Conference will announce the prizes at a later date.

Poster Presentations - The prize amounts for the Poster Presentations will be announced at a later date.

This Conference is partially funded by the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

2024 Conference Program and Proceedings

Download final version of the conference program and proceedings below. 

RPC Proceedings front page

2022 Conference Proceedings

The UNE Postgraduate Conference to be held 19 - 20 October 2022.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speakers: 
    Day 1: Craig Robertson - Chief Executive Officer Victorian Skills Authority
    Day: 2: Prof Llewellyn Owens, BE Mech (UQ), MBM (Monash) Managing Director / Founder Vesi Water with Dr Lou Conway, Director of the UNE SMART Region Incubator (UNE SRI) and  Prof Trevor Brown, Adjunct Professor in Chemistry, School of Science and Technology
  • Invited speaker:  Prof. Raewyn Connell - Remaking of Universities
  • Special Presentation:  What’s beyond the PhD?  Peter Musinguzi, Razzaq Arker, Hiep Dao, Terence Sibanda, Jori Bremer (Panel Discussion)

Program of Events

2021 Conference Proceedings

The UNE Postgraduate Conference to be held 23 - 24 June 2021.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speakers:
    Day 1: Professor Brigid Heywood "In pursuit of Knowledge"  
    Day 2:  Sean Murphy, Prof David Lamb and Darren Marshall "Media for Science Communications"
  • Special Presenters:
    Day1:Lisa Farrar -  APR.Intern  Program  
    Day2: Natasha Rawlings and Dr Lou Conway - What do investors want?
  • Special Presentation: Introduction to SOL:AR; Computationally Intensive Research: Computer Vision, Machine Learning and simulation;  Carbon Matter(s)

Conference Proceedings

2020 Conference Proceedings

The UNE Postgraduate Conference was held 22-23 January 2020.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speakers: Dr Sally Isberg
  • Invited Speaker, Mr Darren Keegan
  • Invited Speaker Special Presentation: Mr Darren Marshall
  • Free entry
  • Available to anyone from UNE and the community

Program of Events

Conference Proceedings Book

2019 Conference Proceedings

The UNE Postgraduate Conference was held 15 - 16 January 2019.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speakers: Dr Kate Wilson
  • Invited Speaker, Mr James Horsburgh
  • Invited Speaker Special Presentation: Professor Lewis Kahn
  • Free entry
  • Available to anyone from UNE and the community

Program of Events

Conference Proceedings Book

2018 Conference Proceedings

The UNE Postgraduate Conference was held 15 - 16 January 2019.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speakers: Dr John Dixson
  • Invited Speaker: Daniel Aubin
  • Invited Speaker Special Presentation: Professor Emeritus Professor Ray Cooksey
  • Free entry
  • Available to anyone from UNE and the community

Program of Events

Conference Proceedings Book

2017 Conference Proceedings

The UNE Postgraduate Conference was held 17–18 January 2017.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speaker Profesor Annabelle Duncan
  • Motivation speaker Olympic volleyball player, Kerri Pottharst
  • 20 special presentations
  • Free entry
  • Available to any one from UNE and the community

Program of Events

Conference Proceedings book

2016 Conference Proceedings

The inaugural Postgraduate Conference was held 19–20 January 2016.

The Postgraduate Conference included:

  • Keynote speakers: Professor Ray Cooksey and Professor Robert van Barneveld
  • Free entry
  • Availability to anyone from UNE and the community.

Postgraduate Research Conference Proceedings

Program of Events