Australian Research Council (ARC)

The ARC’s purpose is to grow knowledge and innovation for the benefit of the Australian community through funding the highest quality research, assessing the quality, engagement and impact of research and providing advice on research matters.

If you are considering applying for any of the ARC schemes, please contact the grants team in Research Services.

National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP)

The ARC is responsible for administering the National Competitive Grants Program which supports research across all disciplines.

The NCGP comprises two main elements - Discovery and Linkage - under which the ARC funds a range of complementary schemes to support researchers at different stages of their careers, build Australia's research capability, expand and enhance research networks and collaborations, and develop centres of research excellence.

ARC Discovery Program is comprised of the following schemes:

Discovery Projects

The ARC has introduced a two-stage process for the Discovery Projects Scheme. The first stage of the process involves requesting a shorter, streamlined Expression of Interest from applicants. Applicants lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the ARC's online portal RMS. EOIs are then assessed and shortlisted by the ARC’s College of Experts. Shortlisted applicants are invited to progress to a full application, while those not shortlisted do not proceed and instead are provided with an early outcome and feedback by the College of Experts.

The objectives of the Discovery Projects scheme are to:

  • support excellent pure basic, strategic basic and applied research, and research training, across all disciplines excluding clinical and other medical research, that addresses a significant problem or gap in knowledge and represents value for money;
  • expand research capacity in Australia by supporting excellent researchers and teams;
  • foster national and international research collaboration;
  • create new knowledge with economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits for Australia; and
  • enhance the scale and focus of research in Australian Government priority areas.

How to Apply

  • Step 1: Research Services has introduced its own internal 'stage-gate' mechanism in relation to the submission of Discovery Project applications. The Grants team will call (around July) for Notices of Intent (NoI) from UNE researchers wanting to submit an Expression of Interest to the  Discovery Projects scheme. This call is made via the Faculties and the Research Services Newsletter to which UNE researchers should subscribe.
  • Step 2: The NoIs will be reviewed by a UNE DVCR-led panel and feedback provided to the applicants as to the strength of the project and whether or not they can proceed to the ARC's two-stage application process.
  • Step 3: If given the go-ahead, applicants should ensure they, and all team members, have created an account in the ARC's online submission portal, Research Management System (RMS) (see below).
  • Step 4: Each team member must update their RMS 'Person Profile', also ensuring their outputs list is up to date.
  • Step 5: Applicants submit the completed first-stage Expression of Interest via RMS to the Research Office (Grants team) for compliance checking.
  • Step 6: Once checked and compliant, the Expressions of Interest will be submitted to the ARC by UNE's DVCR (by 2pm the day before the ARC deadline).
  • Step 7:  When the ARC makes the Expressions of Interest outcomes known, the Grants team will work closely with those approved to submit a full application.

Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)

2024 EOI Round is now closed (2025 EOI round is expected to open in May).

UNE calls for DECRA Expressions of Interest (EOI) each year. This is Stage 1 of the DECRA application process at UNE. If you, or someone you know who is external to UNE, are interested in applying through UNE for a DECRA , an EOI application needs to be submitted.

UNE will only put forward DECRA applications which have been reviewed and approved as part of this initial selection process.  Faculty Dean endorsement is the key to the EOI process as the Faculties must be able to commit resources to the DECRA project application.

For more information about the approval process please contact the Grants team ( in Research Services.

Closing dates:

  • DECRA EOIs 2024 round due date was: 4pm AEST Friday 31st May 2024 (now CLOSED)

DECRA EOI Application Form (word) (2024 round - now closed)

With the support of ARC-experienced mentors, those candidates selected to proceed with their DECRA application through UNE, will participate in the Intensive Development Program. The Program will involve a series of interactive mentoring sessions where select ARC award recipients will provide advice on the specifics of each DECRA application.

The aim of this Program is to provide candidates with the grant-writing skills necessary to submit a highly competitive application to the DECRA scheme, as well as broader skills that will set them up for their research careers.

ARC Linkage Program

The schemes in the Linkage Program are:

Research Management System (RMS) Information

  • RMS allows researchers requesting funding under the ARC National Competitive Grants Programme to prepare and submit proposals electronically via the internet.
  • Each proposal is completed by researchers and consists of an electronic document generated from a combination of data entered directly into the proposal form, and PDF documents attached to the proposal form in RMS
  • ALL applicants named on any ARC application need an RMS Account.

ARC Rejoinders

ARC Reporting Requirements