School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

The School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences has a number of prizes which it awards each year funded by various donors. These prizes are a method of recognising outstanding performance by students of the University. The Terms and Conditions vary for each Prize and can be found below.

Prize Value Terms Current Recipient

A B Cunningham Memorial Prize

$400Awarded annually to the student completing the Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning course who, in the opinion of the course coordinator, has had the most distinguished academic record for the duration of the courseKaitlin Aldous
The Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology South-East Asia and Pacific Archaeological Fieldwork Prize$750Awarded annually to a student with an appropriate academic record and, particularly, for meritorious achievement in ARPA units. The purpose of the prize is to encourage and facilitate student participation in archaeological fieldwork in South-East Asia or the PacificNot awarded in 2023
Arthur J Davies Prize in Politics$250Awarded to the student with the most outstanding result in Honours, if of sufficient distinction, whose thesis is in the field of Australian Politics and Public AdministrationNot awarded in 2023
Baker Prize for Second Year Latin$500Awarded to the best student, if of sufficient merit, in second year Latin who has completed CLLA201 and 202 in the same calendar yearJason Fenton
Betty Newsome Memorial Scholarship$250Awarded to the undergraduate, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the best results in 300-level History units taken towards their undergraduate degree and who proceeds to Honours or Masters by Coursework with a year-long research componentDeane McLennan
The Bishop Doody Memorial Gold Medal for LatinMedal Awarded to the student, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the best results in third year LatinJocelyn Bell
Cath Ellis Memorial Fund$500Awarded annually to: 1. A student undertaking a topic in the Area of Australian Indigenous Music; or, 2. A student undertaking a topic in Ethnomusicology; or, 3. A student undertaking a topic in Musicology; or 4. A student who, in the Discipline of Music, is likely to make a future commitment to  a regional community through their musical career. If none of the above criteria are met the prize may be awarded to an undergraduate student, if of sufficient merit, in the Bachelor of Music who obtains the best overall results in MUSI units in one academic year.Sarah Leard
UNEMA Charles Ede Prize$300Awarded annually to the best suitable piece of written work (eg. essay, report, or significance assessment) submitted for consideration by any student currently enrolled at the University of New England. The work must have as its focus one or more objects in the UNE Museum of Antiquities (UNEMA) or an aspect of the history of the UNE Museum of Antiquities (UNEMA). Ysolde Okumara-Jones
Colin Tatz Prize In Politics$60

Awarded to the undergraduate who obtains the best results in any two 100-level Political and International Studies units

Josiah West
Professor D R Grey Prizes in Philosophy$1,000One prize is awarded in each of the first, second, third and fourth years in Philosophy to the best student, if of sufficient merit, in each year. Reuben Reimers
Scott Cowan
Darren Roso
Dirk Boomsma Memorial Peace Studies BursariesVariable Awarded to students who are enrolled in and undergraduate degree (as first preference) or postgraduate degree at UNE and enrolled in a Peace Studies Unit. The bursary covers HECS fees for domestic students, or fees for international full fee paying students.Not yet awarded
Emeritus Professor Trevor Bryce Prize for Ancient Egyptian and Bronze Age Greece History$250An annual prize for the purchase of ancient history books to the UNE student who in any one year receives the highest percentage unit results in ANCH322 or ANCH324 or ANCH325 or any HUMS300 level reading unit on an ancient Egyptian or Bronze Age Greece project. The recipient may be a full or part-time, external or internal student, enrolled in a degree at UNESandra Pullen
G R Stanton Prize for Second Year Greek$1,000The Prize will be awarded on the basis of academic merit to the best student, if of sufficient merit, in second year Greek who has completed CLLA201 and 202 in the same calendar yearJemima McPhee
Hewison Prize$500Awarded to the student, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the best results in two units in Political and International Studies.Zachary Mills
Ian Loaney Prize In Politics$250Awarded annually to the Honours or Master of Arts student in Political and International Studies with the most outstanding overall results, if of sufficient distinctionNot awarded in 2023
Incipient Peacemakers Award, Australian Christian Movement$500Awarded to a student who achieves the best academic result, and significant engagement, in a Peace Studies UnitJames Hoy
J Hanna Classics Prize$250Awarded to the student who obtains the best results in first year LatinJoseph Foong
James Dolan Memorial Prize in History$700Awarded to the student, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the best result in a 300-level Medieval or Early Modern European History unitMargaret Brown
Jennifer Crew Prize in History$100Awarded for the best performance in any two units at 300-level, the units to be drawn from those listed in the International History Major  and Medieval and Modern Europe Major in the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Historical Inquiry and PracticeSarah Klei
Katharine Dolan Memorial Prize in Ancient History$700Awarded to the student who obtains the best results in two trimester length units of first year Ancient History, provided that both units have been taken by the student in the same yearElliott Chandler
Louise T Daley Prize for Australian History$250Awarded to the best undergraduate or postgraduate student presenting a thesis or dissertation on a topic in Australian History, if of sufficient merit. Anthea Sutton
The Maiben Davies Prize$500Awarded to the undergraduate, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the best results for two units in CLLA (Greek Strand) at 300-level including CLLA 301 (Greek Strand)Not awarded in 2023
Melissa Woods Medieval History Honours and Postgraduate Prize$3,000Awarded to an Honours, Master of Arts or Master of History student in the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences who has completed a dissertation or major research project unit in the Medieval History area. The prize is based on academic merit and will be awarded on the basis of the result obtained from the major research project or dissertation, as well as the student's overall academic record in their Honours or Masters course. Karinya Oldfield
Peter J Tyler Prize in Australian History$1,000Awarded to a Postgraduate coursework student who obtains High Distinction results in 12 credit points at 400 and/or 500 level in Australian HistoryLaura Eves
Isaac Roberts
Klaus Loewald Memorial Book Grant$500Grants are made on the basis of financial need to second year students and above, including Honours. Not awarded in 2023
Russel Ward Prize in History$500Awarded to the undergraduate, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the best results in History units completed at the University of New England towards their undergraduate degree and who proceeds to Honours in History at the University of New England in the following year.Deane McLennan
Stanley Wilson Prize$700Awarded to a student entering the final year of a Bachelor of Arts degree on a full-time basis and who has the most outstanding grade point average.Brandon Northam
Friends of Cinema Prize Film Study$250Awarded to the undergraduate student, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the highest combined result in COMM101 and COMM103 Creative Industries in one academic year.Makyah Cusbert
Peter Thomas Prize in Languages$100Awarded annually to the student who has had the most distinguished record in 300 level language units.Savanna Knoerzer
Barbara Levien Prize for First Year Music$500Awarded at the discretion of the Convenor of Music to the student who gains the highest mark in the First Year Musicology unit MUSI131.Raudi Rayner
Bronnie Treloar Scholarship$500Awarded to the best student entering the BA (Hons) in French, if of sufficient merit, who has the best overall record in French at UNENot awarded in 2023
Bronnie Treloar Prize in French$250Awarded to the best undergraduate student, if of sufficient merit, completing two units in French in one academic yearFrances Thwaites
Cecil Hill Postgraduate Fund$500Awarded on the recommendation of the Convenor of Music to the student entering Honours with the best undergraduate record in 300 level units taught by MusicNot awarded in 2023
Grahame Jones Memorial Prize$500Awarded to a continuing undergraduate student of French, if of sufficient merit, who has gained the best results in a combination of post-first year units totalling 24cp and including FREN201 and FREN202 - studied in one academic year.Fiona Johnson
H Wragge Memorial Scholarship$400Awarded to the student entering Honours in English, if of sufficient merit, who has the best overall record in 300 level units in English at this University.Not awarded 2023
Lucy Elizabeth Craigie Award$1,000Awarded to the 2 undergraduate students who gain the best overall results, if of sufficient merit, in ENGL101 and ENGL102 in one academic year.Jeni Hunter
J Fox Prize Fund in Regional Geography$300Awarded to the student in GEPL345/545: 'Regional Development: Processes and Policies' who demonstrates the most outstanding appreciation of regional geographyRachel Gatehouse
Katherine Shurvell
Griffith Taylor Cent Prize 
$500Awarded each year to the undergraduate or postgraduate student who produces the best thesis or dissertation in Geography.Not awarded in 2023
J H Bell Prize for First Year Sociology$1,000Awarded to the undergraduate who gains the best result, if of sufficient merit, in first year SociologyIndya Nelson
J H Bell Prize for Third Year Sociology$1,000Awarded to the undergraduate who gains the best result, if of sufficient merit, in two 300 level Sociology unitsDayne Mahoney
Declan Oliver
Gilbert Butland Prize $250Awarded to the best second year in geography who passes in the one year either GEPL311 and GEPL322 or GEPL311 and GEPL316 in the one yearKerry Jones
Graduate Women NSW Inc Prize in English$250Awarded to the undergraduate female student, if of sufficient merit, who obtains the highest combined result in ENGL101 and ENGL102 in one academic year.Jeni Hunter
Professor Lynda Garland Prize for First Year Classical Greek$1,500Awarded annually to the on campus or online student with the best overall result for first year Classical Greek (Greek strand of CLLA 101 & CLLA 102), completed in the same calendar year.Matthew Baker
S Johnson Prize in Linguistics$100Two awards of $100 each: 1. Awarded to the student who gains the best result in LING101 and 102; 2. Awarded for the most distinguished performance by a student in 200 or 300 level units in LinguisticsBryn Holloway
Jacinta Hales
W Hoddinott Prizes for English$100Awarded to the undergraduate student, if of sufficient merit, who gains the best result in two 300 level literature units within one academic year. Madeleine Smith
UNE Players Prize$250Awarded to the student, if of sufficient merit, who has completed the requirements for an undergraduate degree including a major in Theatre Studies and who, in the opinion of the Head of School, has most distinguished herself or himself in both the practical and theoretical areas in Theatre Studies.Emily Dreyer