University Prizes

The University offers a numbers of prizes which are awarded each year. These prizes are a method of recognising outstanding performance by students of the University. The terms and conditions vary for each prize and can be found below.

Prize Value Terms Current Recipient
Jim Pollard Memorial Award for On Campus Students$1,500Awarded annually to a continuing on-campus student who has demonstrated involvement in leadership roles within the University and the wider community. Eligible students will have completed at least half of the requirements of an undergraduate, honours or post-graduate degree at UNE, with academic merit.

Nina Marquard-Karp

UNE Alumni Association Award for Online Students$1,500Awarded annually to an online student who has demonstrated involvement in leadership roles within the community. Eligible students will have completed at least half of the requirements of an undergraduate, honours or post-graduate degree at UNE, with academic merit.

Elizabeth Wilson

Mijanou Reynolds

UNE Alumni Association Award for  International Students$1,500Awarded annually to an international student who has demonstrated involvement in leadership roles within the community. Eligible students will have completed at least half of the requirements of an undergraduate, honours or post-graduate degree at UNE, with academic merit or, in the case of PhD candidature, have confirmation of candidature.

Not awarded in 2024

Arthur Heath Memorial Prize (Donated by NSW Farmers)$500Awarded to an undergraduate of exceptional merit who is proceeding to the fourth year of candidature in the Bachelor of Agriculture and Resource Economics, Bachelor of Rural Science or the Bachelor of Agribusiness with Honours. Natalie Sawyer
Edgar H Booth Memorial Medal Medal Awarded to the Honours graduate who has the most distinguished academic record during enrolment at the University. Aiden Clifton
Howard Sheath Prize$500Awarded to the student who has the most distinguished overall undergraduate record in a first degree completed wholly by off- campus study at this UniversityIan Jackson
Judy Ewing Memorial Prize$250Awarded to a student who is enrolled in the New England Award, has completed one year of study and has achieved the highest GPAJennifer Corderoy
University of New England Women's Association Prize$500 Awarded to support women UNE students to undertake, at UNE in the next academic year, the Honours program of a four year bachelor degree or the final year of an Honours degreeSascha Okenhall
Carly Nicolaou
UNE Life Prize$250Awarded for academic merit to 4 online undergraduates, 2 completing units at 200 level equivalent to twelve credit points and 2 completing units at 300 level equivalent to twelve credit pointsKrisna Gusti
Ulrike Krahn
Narinder Vaccarella
Sarah Woodhouse
UNE Alumni Sports Prize$1,000Awarded on the recommendation of Sport UNE to students who are representing Australia internationally in any sport. Claire Harpley
Erin Chandler