Associate Professor George S. Chen

Associate Professor in Economics , Macroeconomics - UNE Business School

George S. Chen

Phone: +61 2 6773 3595



My teaching commitments include Introductory Macroeconomics, Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues, and Economics of Development. Before my academic career, I worked as a quantitative analyst in investment banking. With this background, I have always embedded topical issues in my teaching curriculum to enhance student learning and experience. Since joining UNE in 2010, I received multiple Unit Monitoring Commendations for teaching excellence. My research focuses on macroeconomics, regional development, and applied econometric methods.


BEc(Hon.), M.A., Ph.D. (Monash)

Teaching Areas

ECON102 Introductory Macroeconomics

ECON311 Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues

ECON390/590 Economics of Development

Primary Research Area/s

Macroeconomics; Regional Development; Applied Econometric Methods

Research Supervision Experience

Dissanayake, Susantha. Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on fiscal sustainability. Co-Supervisor. Candidature confirmed in 2023.

Quartey, Joseph, Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on supply chain finance. Co-Supervisor. Candidature confirmed in 2022.

Manu, Emmanuel Kwaku. Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on financial development and sustainable development. Principal Supervisor. Candidature confirmed in 2021.

Nguyen, Thi Kim Nhung. Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on foreign direct investment in Vietnam. Principal Supervisor. Candidature confirmed in 2021.

Spencer, Ryan. Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on the New Keynesian Phillips Curve in Australia. Co-supervisor. Part-Time Candidature confirmed in 2020.

Uddin, Mirza (2020). Ph.D. Thesis: Re-examining the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Principal Supervisor (2020 Job Placement: National University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh).

Kennedy, Tom (2018), Ph.D. Thesis: Essays on Australian Income Inequality. Principal Supervisor (2018 Job Placement: J.P. Morgan, Sydney).

Hoang, Hien (2017), Ph.D. Thesis: Foreign Direct Investment and New Economic Geography: Evidence from Vietnam. Principal Supervisor (2017 Placement: Assistant Professor, Duy Tan University, Vietnam).

Matchett, Carol (2017), M.Phil. Thesis: The Relationship between Company Size and Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from Australian Companies. Principal Supervisor (2017 Placement: Australian Taxation Office, Brisbane).

Yao, Yao (2016), Ph.D. Thesis: Urban Economic Development in China: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment. Co-Supervisor (2016 Placement: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, City University of Hong Kong).

Harrison, Scott (2015), Ph.D. Thesis: Microeconometric Analysis of the Relationships between Early Alert Systems and Student Retention. Co-Supervisor (2015 Placement: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Siegen, Germany).


Wang, X. and  Chen, G. (2024), "Attraction agglomeration and destination agglomeration: The case of Chinese national scenic areas," Journal of Travel Research, Accepted.

Manu, E., Chen, G., Hoang, N., and  Leu, S. (2024), "Natural resource endowment and environmental sustainability in Africa: The role of voice and accountability,"  Sustainable Development, In Press.

Manu, E., Chen, G. and Adomako, S. (2024),  "Do environmental regulations and technological innovation enhance environmental well-being in sub-Saharan Africa?," Business Strategy and the Environment, In Press.

Manu, E. K., Chen, G., and Asante, B. (2023), "Achieving environmental sustainability in Africa: The role of financial institutions development on carbon emissions," Sustainable Development, 31, 3272-3290.

Li, S., Khan, S. U., Yao, Y., Chen, G. S., Zhang, L., Salim, R., and Huo, J. (2022), “Estimating the long-run crude oil demand function of China: Some new evidence and policy options," Energy Policy, 170, 113244.

Yao, Y., Chen, G., and Lin, Z. (2022), “Gender segregation in the causal effect of foreign direct investment on educational attainment: The Chinese experience,” Applied Economics, 54, 5889–5903.

Manu, E. K., Chen, G., and Asante, B. (2022), “Regional heterogeneity in the absorptive capacity of renewable energy deployment in Africa,” Renewable Energy, 193, 554–564.

Harrison, S., Villano, Lynch, G., and Chen, G. (2021), "Microeconometric approaches in exploring the relationships between early alert systems and student retention: A case study of a regionally-based university in Australia," Journal of Learning Analytics, 8, 170-186.

Aluko, O. A., Chen, G., and Opoku, E. E. O. (2021), "Is foreign direct investment globalization-induced or a myth? A tale of Africa," International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28, 2651-2663.

Yao, Y., Chen, G., and Zhang, L. (2021), "Local financial intermediation and foreign direct investment: Evidence from China," International Review of Economics and Finance, 72, 198-216.

Duo, L., Chen, G., and Zhi, D. (2019), “Do extensive producer services promote manufacturing agglomeration? Evidence from territorial servitisation in Northeast China,” Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraivanja, 32, 3773–3794.

Meng, S. and Chen G., (2019), “A new patent system to usher in a new economy,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 28, 775–797.

Hoang, H., Huynh, L., and  Chen, G. (2019), "How new economic geography explains provincial wage disparities: Generalized methods of moments approach," Economy of Region, 15, 205–215.

Yao, Y, Chen, G., Salim, R., and Yu, X. (2018), "Schooling returns for migrant workers in China: Estimations from the perspective of the institutional environment in a rural setting," China Economic Review, 51, 240–256.

Harrison, S., Villano, R., Lynch, G., and Chen, G. (2018), "Linking early alert systems and student retention: a survival analysis approach", Higher Education, 76, 903–920.

Salim, R., Yao, Y., and Chen, G. (2017), "Does human capital matter for energy consumption in China?'', Energy Economics, 67, 45–59.

Yao, Y., Salim, R., Chen, G., and Zhang, L. (2017), "Can foreign direct investment harness energy consumption in China? A time series investigation," Energy Economics, 66, 43–53.

Kennedy. T., Smyth, R., Valadkhani, A., and Chen, G. (2017), "Does income inequality hinder economic growth? New evidence using Australian taxation statistics", Economic Modelling, 65, 119–128.

Kennedy. T., Smyth, R., Valadkhani, A., and Chen, G. (2017), "Refitting the Kuznets curve using a gender-specific threshold model", Applied Economics, 49, 1847–1854.

Chen, G., Yao, Y., and Malizard, J. (2017), "Does foreign direct investment crowd in or crowd out private domestic investment in China? The effect of entry mode", Economic Modelling, 61, 409–419.

Chen, G., Valadkhani, A., and Grant, B. (2016), "How useful is the yield spread as a predictor of output growth in Australia?" Journal of Economic Studies, 43, 222–241.

Xie, M., and Chen, G. (2015), "Study on effects of foreign agglomeration on the location choice of foreign direct investment--the empirical data from the Taiwan Area Invest in China", Soft Science, 29, 96–100 (in Chinese).

Valadkhani, A., Chen, G., and Kotey, B. (2014), "Asymmetric changes in Australia's small business loan rate", Small Business Economics, 43, 945–957.

Valadkhani, A. and Chen, G. (2014), "An empirical analysis of the US stock market and output growth volatility spillover effects on three Anglo-Saxon countries", International Review of Applied Economics, 28, 323–335.

Valadkhani, A., Chen, G. and Anderson, J. (2014), "A cluster analysis of petrol profit margins across various regional and urban locations in Australia", Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 20, 159–184.

Further Information

Other school/university/external roles


Chair, International Network Committee, UNEBS

Member, Research and Research Training Committee, UNEBS