Dr Subashini Ahangamage

Lecturer in Economics - Teaching Focus - Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law; UNE Business School

Subashini Ahangamage

Phone: +61 2 6773 4520

Email: mahangam@une.edu.au

Twitter: @subiperera


Subashini is a Lecturer in Economics - Teaching Focussed. She completed her PhD in Economics from the University of New England, Australia, along with a Masters in Agricultural Economics, a Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations, a Bachelor of Economics, and a Diploma in Management in Sri Lanka. Her primary teaching areas include Micro and Macro Economics, Micro Economics Policy Evaluations, Banking and Finance and International Trade and Finance.

Beyond her academic work, she is a skilled Trade and Agricultural Economic Modeller with expertise in utilizing multi-regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models and managing large databases for a wide range of development policies. Her specialties lie in trade and climate change policies and their economic impact assessments.

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