Dr Ahmad Barati

Research Fellow - School of Environmental and Rural Science

Ahmad Barati

Phone: +61 2 6773 3317

Email: abarati2@une.edu.au


Ahmad completed his PhD degree at the Avian Behavioural Ecology Laboratory, UNE, with comprehensive multi-aspect research on the behavioural ecology of a native Australian birds, the noisy miner. He has extensive experiences in both filed and laboratory, inducing experimental design, behavioural assessments, the use of bio-acoustic in behavioural and population ecology, population genetics as well as statistical analysis and modelling. He is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher in a project funded by NSW Department of Planning and Environment and Local Land Services, Northern Tablelands. The project involves avifaunal and bioacoustics surveys at selected TSRs. Ahmad is also running the research looking at management and population genetics of a native despotic species, the noisy miner, aiming to improve habitat quality for the native and threatened woodland avifauna. Further, he has experience in the field of assessing the impacts of renewable energy production on birds and bat in NSW, Australia. His experiences cover planning and conducting avifaunal surveys, acoustic monitoring of bats, collecting data and writing up assessment reports on the impacts of wind farms on birds and bats especially on threatened bird species, during various stages of the projects.