Dr Manisha Shakya

Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Aquatic Ecology - School of Environmental and Rural Science

Manisha Shakya


Having completed a PhD degree in Freshwater ecology/ecotoxicology, Manisha is working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory in the School of Environment and Rural Science. Currently, she is studying the base of aquatic foodwebs in the northern Murray Darling Basin, looking at sources and the quantity and quality of carbon available to aquatic biota and how we can use environmental water to protect or improve aquatic ecosystems. She also collaborates with researchers from the Pollution Science Research Group from UNE to investigate the impacts of pollutants in aquatic organisms' biomolecular composition (protein, amino acids and fatty acids) to understand how pollutants can alter the nutritional landscape in aquatic food web.


Green L. S., Silvester E., x Dworkin S., Shakya M, Klein A., Lowe R., Datta K., Holland A.,2024.  Molecular variations to the proteome of zebrafish larvae induced by environmentally relevant copper concentrations, Aquatic Toxicology 272, Volume 272,106963, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2024.106963.

Shakya, M., Holland, A., Klein, A.R., Rees, G.N., Laird, J., McCallum, J.C., Ryan, C.G., Silvester, E., 2022. Biomolecular modifications in the sacfry of Mogurnda adspersa in response to copper stress. Aquatic Toxicology 248, 106179.

Shakya, M., Silvester, E., Holland, A., Rees, G., 2021. Taxonomic, seasonal and spatial variation in the amino acid profile of freshwater macroinvertebrates. Aquatic Sciences 83, 1-15.

Shakya, M., Silvester, E., Rees, G., Rajapaksha, K.H., Faou, P., Holland, A., 2022. Changes to the amino acid profile and proteome of the tropical freshwater microalga Chlorella sp. in response to copper stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 233, 113336.

Shakya, M., Silvester, E., Rees, G., Stitz, L., Holland, A., 2021. Spatial variation in the amino acid profile of four macroinvertebrate taxa along a highly polluted river. Environmental Pollution 284, 117536.