Professor Christopher Gossip

Emeritus Professor - Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education; School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Christopher Gossip


Building: Arts (E11)


Having taught in the UK at the Universities of Aberdeen and Wales (Swansea), Chris Gossip was Professor of French at UNE from 1991 to 2007, when he was made Emeritus Professor.


MA, PhD (Edinburgh)

Research Interests

Seventeenth-century French literature and thought, especially drama (criticism, editing, history, reception, staging). Currently leading an international team preparing the first-ever critical edition of the complete dramatic works of Thomas Corneille (1625-1709).



'La Rome de Thomas Corneille', in Thomas Corneille (1625-1709). Actes du colloque du troisième centenaire, Rouen, 7-8 décembre 2009,ed. Myriam Dufour-Maître, Rouen: Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre (in press).

2012 'Thomas Corneille, précurseur de Racine', in Changing Perspectives: Studies in Honor of John Campbell, ed. R. W. Tobin and A. J. Kennedy, Charlottesville, VA: Rookwood Press, 2012, 100-09 (EMF Critiques) (ISBN 978-1-886365-30-8).

2011 'Les Débuts de Thomas Corneille au théâtre', Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France, 111 (2011), 539-48 (ISSN 0035-2411).

2009a Samuel Chappuzeau, Le Théâtre françois, édition critique. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009, 254pp (Biblio 17, vol 178) (ISBN 978-3-8233-6417-7).

2009b 'Chappuzeau and the Performance of French Classical Drama', Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 31/1 (2009), 3-13 (ISSN 0265-1068).

2009c 'Héros trop magnanime: le crime d'Horace et son châtiment', Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 36/71 (2009), 543-55 (ISSN 0343-0758).

2007 '"Tenir l'affiche" dans les théâtres parisiens du XVIIe siècle', Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France, 107 (2007), 19-33 (ISSN 0035-2411).

2006a 'The Orateur in French Seventeenth-Century French Theatre Companies', Modern Language Review, 101 (2006), 691-700 (ISSN 0026-7937).

2006b 'Retouches raciniennes: interventions supprimées dans Andromaque, Britannicus et Bérénice', Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 33/65 (2006), 499-509 (ISSN 0343-0758).

2003 'Truth, Deception and Self-Deception                                          in Le Cid', Papers on French Seventeenth                                           Century Literature, 30/58, 57-70 (ISSN                                          0343-0758).

2001a                                          'Corneille as Self-critic', Seventeenth-Century                                          French Studies, 23, 97-106. (ISSN                                          0265-1068).

2001b                                          Review: Papers on French Seventeenth                                          Century Literature, 28/55, 558-60                                          (ISSN 0343-0758).

2000a Thomas Corneille and the comic tradition',                                          in D. Connon and G. Evans (eds.), Essays                                          on French comic drama from the 1640s to the 1780s (French studies of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 7). Oxford etc: Peter Lang,.29-41. (ISBN 3-906758-39-7).

2000b                                          'Elmire and Tartuffe', French                                          Studies Bulletin, 76, 15-17 (ISSN                                          0262-2750)

2000c                                          'Du Molière revu et corrigé:                                          Le Festin de Pierre de Thomas Corneille',                                          Le Nouveau Moliériste, 4-5 (1998-1999), 113-34. (ISSN 1356-062X).

1999a 'Diversité et unité du Misanthrope: d'une aristocratie à l'autre', in M. Ramsland (ed), Variété: Perspectives in French literature, society and culture. Studies in honour of Kenneth                                          Raymond Dutton, Frankfurt/M., etc:                                          Peter Lang, 1999, 199-211. (ISBN 3-631-33630-6).

1999b 'Emulation et insuffisance: la quête de l'autre dans la tragédie classique', in L'Autre au XVIIe siècle. Actes du 4e Colloque du Centre International de Rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle, University of Miami, 23 au 25 avril 1998 ed. R. Heyndels and B. Woshinsky, Tübingen: G. Narr, 1999 (Biblio 17, 117), 163-170 (ISBN 3-8233-5529-5).

1999c 'Corneille's Second Thoughts on                                          Cinna', Studi Francesi, 128, 258-66                                          (ISSN 0039-2944).

1998a                                          Corneille: 'Cinna' London, Grant                                          & Cutler (Critical Guides to French Texts, 120), 98 pp. (ISBN 0-7293-0406-X).

1998b 'The Unity of Horace' Modern                                          Language Review, 93, 345-55. (ISSN                                          0026-7937).

1997a 'Potentialité et actualisation:                                          remarques sur la clémence d'Auguste'                                          Papers on French Seventeenth Century                                          Literature, 47, 373-81. (ISSN 0343-0758).

1997b 'Corneille and the Marais company                                          in 1642-43' Seventeenth-Century French                                          Studies, 19, 149-59. (ISSN 0265-1068).

1996a                                          'Réponse à Jean Pommier'                                          (re 1994b), XVIIe Siècle , n° 190 (janvier- mars), 220-22.                                          (ISSN 0012-4273.)

1996b 'Politics and tragedy: the case of the Earl of Essex' in K. Cameron and E. Woodrough (eds), Ethics and Politics                                          in Seventeenth-Century France, Exeter,                                          University of Exeter Press, 223-31. (ISBN 0-85989-466-5.)

1996c 'Access to LOTE at tertiary level                                          through Open Learning', Equity in Languages                                          Other Than English. Conference Papers                                          of the AFMLTA 10th National Languages Conference, Perth, 1-4 October 1994 , Perth, AFMLTA Inc and MLTAWA Inc, 1996, 172-6. (ISBN 0-646-29355-9)

1996d "Je veux qu'on me distingue": normality and abnormality in Molière', Australian Journal of French Studies,                                          33, 403-13. (ISSN 0004-9468)

1996e                                          Review: AUMLA, 85, 122-23. (ISSN                                          0001-2793).

1995                                          Review: Modern Language Review,                                          90, 997-998.

1995 Review: Le Nouveau Moliériste,                                          2 , 339-40

1994a Contribution on Thomas Corneille in M.                                          Hawkins-Dady (ed.), International Dictionary                                          of Theatre, Detroit, London and Washington DC, St James Press, vol. 2 (Playwrights), 223-26.

1994b 'La clémence d'Auguste, ou pour une interprétation textuelle du Cinna de Corneille', XVIIe Siècle,                                          n° 184, 547-53.

1994c Review: New Zealand Journal of                                          French Studies, 15, 34-35.

1993a                                          'Oreste, amant imaginaire', Papers                                          on French Seventeenth-Century Literature,                                          39, 353-67.

1993b 'Tragedy and the Tragic Emotions                                          in Corneille', AUMLA (Journal of the                                          Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association), 79, 1-16.

1993c Whither French? (Inaugural Lecture,                                          25 May 1993), Armidale,University of New England, 14pp. (Reprinted at editors' request, and in slightly abridged form, in Campus Review, 3/20, 3-9 June 1993, 10, 20, and in MLTA Bulletin, 6, 39-44).

1993d (with D. J. George, co-editors),                                          Studies in the Commedia dell'arte, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 278pp.                                          ISBN 0-7083-1201-2.

1993e Review: Modern Language Review,                                          88, 976.

1992a 'The Language of Confidence in French                                          Classical Tragedy', in Voices in the                                          Air. French Dramatists and the Resources                                          of Language. Essays in Honour of Charles Chadwick, Glasgow, University of Glasgow                                          French and German Publications, 14-28.

1992b 'The Distance Teaching of European                                          Languages', in Distance Education:                                          Quality and Equality. Distance Education Association of New Zealand Eighth Conference Proceedings, Dunedin, DEANZ, 33-40.

1992c Contributions on Corneille, Horace                                          and Cinna, Molière, Le Misanthrope,                                          and Racine, Andromaque, in M. Hawkins-Dady                                          (ed.), International Dictionary of                                          Theatre, Chicago and London, St James Press, vol. 1 (Plays), 19-21, 134-35, 344-46, 518-21.

1992d 'Performance and Publication in                                          Seventeenth-Century France', Seventeenth-Century                                          French Studies, 14, 157-67.

1992e Review: Modern Language Review,                                          87, 475.

1992f Review: Modern Language Review,                                          87, 476-77.

1991a                                          Review: French Studies, 45, 460.

1991b Review: Modern Language Review,                                          86, 1022-23.

1990a                                          'Arnolphe, Alceste and Comic Closure',                                          French Studies Bulletin, 36, 5-7.

1990b 'Le goût de l'Antiquité: Thomas Corneille and the Death of Hannibal', Forum for Modern Language Studies,                                          26, 13-25.

1990c 'The Rebirth of French Tragedy:                                          A Classic Case', Continuum, 2,                                          27-40.

1990d Review: Modern Language Review,                                          85, 445.

1990e Review: Modern Language Review,                                          85, 955-56.

1990f Review: Modern Language Review,                                          85, 956.

1989 'Agreeable Suspension, or What to Think                                          of La Calprenède', Seventeenth-Century                                          French Studies, 11, 62-71

1987                                          'Molière et les couleurs', Studi                                          Francesi, 31, 70-77.

1986a                                          'Attila and Tragedy', Seventeenth-Century                                          French Studies, 8, 152-65.

1986b Review: French Studies, 40,                                          71-72.

1986c Review: French Studies, 40,                                          329.

1985a                                          'The Initial Success of Le Misanthrope',                                          French Studies, 39, 145-51.
1985b Review: Quinquereme, 8, 96-97.

1984a 'L'amour illicite dans le théâtre                                          français au XVIIe siècle',                                          in Les Visages de l'amour au XVIIe                                          siècle. Actes du colloque de Toulouse, 1983, Toulouse, Université de Toulouse-Le                                          Mirail, 163-73.

1984b 'Auguste and the Threat of Death                                          in Cinna', French Studies Bulletin,                                          12, 1-3.

1984c Review: French Studies, 38,                                          336-37.

1983                                          Review: French Studies, 37, 79.

1982a                                          Cyrano de Bergerac, La Mort d'Agrippine, édition critique. Exeter, University                                          of Exeter, 1982 (Textes Littéraires,                                          44), xxiv + 90pp.ISBN 0-85989-182-8

1982b 'Tite et Bérénice:                                          A Coherent comédie héroïque?',                                          in Form and Meaning: Æsthetic Coherence in Seventeenth-Century French Drama. Studies Presented to Harry Barnwell.                                          Amersham, Avebury, 115-26.

1981a                                          An Introduction to French Classical                                          Tragedy. London, Macmillan; New York,                                          Barnes and Noble, 193pp. ISBN 0-333-26168-2.

1981b 'Le décor de théâtre                                          au collège des Jésuites                                          à Paris au XVIIe siècle', Revue d'Histoire du Théâtre,                                          33, 26-38.

1981c 'Tragedy and Tragi-Comedy in Le                                          Cid', University of Exeter (Exeter                                          Tapes, F 855).

1981d Review: French Studies, 35,                                          328-29.

1981e Review: Modern Language Review,                                          76, 185-86.

1980a                                          'The Dénouement of Le Cid,                                          Yet Again', Modern Language Review,                                          75, 275-81.

1980b 'Les voyages en France de Peter Heylyn (1625) et de Richard Symons (1649)', in La Découverte de la France au XVIIe siècle. Actes du colloque de Marseille, 1979, Paris, CNRS, 389-402.

1979a                                          Review: Modern Language Review,                                          74, 454-55.

1979b Review: Modern Language Review,                                          74, 696.

1979c Review: Quinquereme, 2, 140-42.

1978a                                          'The Problem of Rodogune', Studi Francesi,                                          22, 231-40.

1978b Review: Modern Language Review,                                          73, 425-27.

1977                                          Review: Modern Language Review,                                          72, 686-87.

1975a 'Tragedy and Moral Order in Corneille's                                          Horace', Forum for Modern Language                                          Studies, 11, 15-28.

1975b 'From Monymusk to Metz: Archangel                                          Leslie on the European Stage', Aberdeen                                          University Review, 46, 137-50.

1975c Review: Modern Language Review,                                          70, 182-83.

1974a 'Vers une chronologie des pièces                                          de Thomas Corneille', Revue d'Histoire                                          Littéraire de la France, 74,                                          665-78 and 1038-58.
1974b Thomas Corneille, Stilicon, édition critique. Geneva-Paris,                                          Droz (Textes Littéraires Français,                                          209), cvi + 136pp.

1973                                          'Timocrate Reconsidered', Studi Francesi,                                          17, 222-37.

1968 'Composition et représentation chez Thomas Corneille', Studi Francesi,                                          12, 471-76.

1967 'Les antécédents de l'Antiochus                                          de Racine', Cahiers Raciniens,                                          21, 45-68.

1965                                          'La Mort d'Annibal et Mithridate: deux aspects d'une hégémonie romaine', Jeunesse de Racine, avril-juin,                                          25-36.