Dr Marty Branagan

Convenor of Peace Studies - Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education; School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Marty Branagan

Phone: +61 2 6773 3951

Email: mbranag2@une.edu.au

Building: Arts (E11)

Painting of wave crashing over simple seascape, with a dark cloud in the shape of a pterodactyl in the sky above Pterodactyls Take Another Sky-Surfer - a surrealist painting in Dr Branagan's 2009 exhibition at the New England Regional Art Museum. It features mountains and paddocks morphing into ocean and beach and has a global warming theme of rising oceans and wilder surf.


Dr Marty Branagan holds a PhD and a Grad.Dip.Ed from UNE, where he was awarded the New England Award for contributions to the community. He has a BA from Sydney University, where he was a member of the Student Representative Council, and a Diploma of Fine Arts from the New England Institute (TAFE NSW).  A Senior Lecturer, he has been the Convenor of Peace Studies since 2015.


Ph.D. (UNE), Grad. Dip. in Ed. (UNE), B.A. (Syd)

Teaching Areas

Marty coordinates the unit Active Resistance: Contemporary Nonviolence, for which he created the annual Nonviolence Film Festival (sometimes accompanied by a peace exhibition). His long history of participant-observer research into nonviolent activism includes successful campaigns to preserve the Franklin River, Jabiluka and more than a million hectares of old-growth forests in northern NSW. He has recorded a series of ABC Radio interviews about Australian environmentalism.

He also coordinates Introduction to Peace Studies, Environmental Peace,  Globalisation as if People and Ecosystems Matter, and Environmental Security, and has coordinated Building Peace in Post-Conflict Situations and Post-Conflict Justice and Reconciliation Processes. He has won numerous teaching commendations.

Marty helped create the Master of Environmental Advocacy, now a major in the Master of Arts, after co-developing a new unit Politics and the Environment: Intersecting Crises. He also wrote Creating Cultures of Peace, with a book forthcoming.

Research Interests

His research interests include nonviolence developments; resistance to Nazism; the roles of women and the arts, humour and creativity in social change; addressing global warming and biodiversity loss; and learning in protest movements. His 2013 monograph  Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence: The Art of Active Resistance explored ways of reducing the carbon bootprint of militarism, and has been used at Brandeis University and the University of Calgary among others. He has supervised nine PhD Students to successful completion, including two recipients of the Chancellor’s Doctoral Medal.

Co-organized conferences include ‘Environmental and Sustainable Peace, Social Justice and Creative Activism: Celebrating 40 Years of Peace Studies at UNE’ (2022), which led to numerous resolutions and a special edition of Social Alternatives;  ‘Rethinking Peace, Conflict and Governance Conference’ (UNE 2020); 'Students and Sustainability' (SCU 1996); and 'Mining in a Sustainable World' (UNE 2013), which resulted in a special edition of the International Journal of Rural Law and Policy, while a 2012 conference resulted in a book Cultivating Peace. More recently he co-edited Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild Conservation, Conflict and Co-existence (Routledge 2020).

His semi-autobiographical novels are Horizontal Lightning (1994), about the struggles of Borneo’s semi-nomadic Penan people to preserve their rainforest homelands, and the illustrated novel Locked On! (2018), based on climate activism at Leard Forest and Bentley, NSW.

His numerous solo art exhibitions include three at NERAM. He has organised group exhibitions including at Armidale's Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Keeping Place; and coordinated public art projects. He has taught art at TAFE, and worked with indigenous 'youth at risk' in art-based programmes aiming to build skills, teamwork and self-esteem. As Peace Studies’ Library Liaison Officer, he greatly increased Dixson Library's collection of peace books and documentaries, and donated the Armidale Environment Centre's Archives.

Marty has tutored at UNE’s Oorala Centre, taught in remote central Australian communities, and worked in community and student radio. He plays music occasionally with 'Waldorf Salad' and coached junior soccer for a decade. He and his partner are active in permaculture and rivercare, host an organic food cooperative, and have two children of whom they are immensely proud.



Branagan, Marty forthcoming, The Cultural Dimensions of Peacebuilding, Anthem Press, UK.

Bartel, Robyn; Branagan, Marty; Harris, Stephen and Utley, Fiona 2020, Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild Conservation, Conflict and Co-existence, Routledge.

Branagan, Marty 2013, Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence: The Art of Active Resistance, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.

Ware, Helen; Jenkins, Bert; Branagan, Marty and Subedi, DB (eds) 2014, Cultivating Peace: Contexts, Practices and Multidimensional Models, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Branagan, Marty 2008, We Shall Never Be Moved, Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln, Germany.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Thesis

Branagan, Marty 2006, Art Alone Will Move Us: Nonviolence Developments in the Australian Eco-Pax Movement 1982-2003, University of New England, Armidale.


Branagan, Marty 2018, Locked On! The Seventh and Most Illegal in the Hitchhiker’s Guide Trilogy, Irene Publishing, Sweden (paperback and illustrated e-book).

Branagan, Marty (pseud. 'Simon Ellis') 1994, Horizontal Lightning, Gaia Ink! & Fast Books, Glebe.

Book Editor

Keats, Warren 2009, A Hindsight View: 1929 – 2009, Search Foundation, Surrey Hills.


Branagan, Marty; Williams, Jacqueline; and Kennedy, Amanda 2014, 'Editorial', International Journal of Rural Law and Policy, No. 1.

Book Chapters

Branagan Marty 2021, ‘Women in Environmental Nonviolent Action’. In: Standish K.,Devere H., Suazo A., Rafferty R. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Peace. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Bartel, Robyn and Branagan, Marty 2020, ‘Introduction’ in Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild: Conservation, Conflict and Co-existence, by RobynBartel, Marty Branagan, Stephen Harris, and Fiona Utley, Routledge.

Bartel, Robyn and Branagan, Marty 2020, ‘The end of wilderness? Bushfire and extinction in a wild country’in Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild: Conservation, Conflict and Co-existence, by RobynBartel, Marty Branagan, Stephen Harris, and Fiona Utley, Routledge.

Branagan, Marty 2020, ‘The Franklin River Campaign: A case study in creative nonviolent wilderness conservation’, in Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild: Conservation, Conflict and Co-existence, by RobynBartel, Marty Branagan, Stephen Harris, and Fiona Utley, Routledge.

Branagan, Marty 2020, ‘Locked On! Why humorous, illustrated cli-fi?’ in Using the visual and performing arts to encourage pro-environmental behaviour: Proceedings of the 3rd National EcoArts Australis Conference, David Curtis (ed), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Branagan, Marty 2017, ‘Global Warning: Beautifying the Discourse’ in Building Sustainability With the Arts, David Curtis (ed),Cambridge Scholars Press, UK, pp.  87-104.

Jenkins, Bert and Branagan, Marty 2014, ‘Introduction’ in Cultivating Peace: Contexts, Practices and Multidimensional Models, by Helen Ware, Bert Jenkins, Marty Branagan and DB Subedi (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 1-16

Peer-reviewed articles

Branagan, Marty 2022 ‘Women and Nonviolent Resistance to WWII Nazism (Part One)’, Social Alternatives,  Vol. 41, No. 3, October, pp. 68-75.

Branagan, Marty 2022 ‘Women and Nonviolent Resistance to WWII Nazism (Part Two)’, Social Alternatives, Vol. 41, No. 4.

Branagan, Marty 2022 ‘Nonviolence and Sustainability: An Indivisible Connection’, Sustainability, 14, 6426.

Branagan, Marty 2020 ‘Tintin: From Violent, Communist-Hating Conservative to Radical Peacenik’, International Journal of Comic Art, Vol.22, No. 1, Spring/Summer issue, pp. 187-206.

Branagan, Marty 2020 ‘Tintin: From Violent, Communist-Hating Conservative to Radical Peacenik (Part Two)’, International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 22, No. 2, Autumn/Winter issue, pp. 33-63.

Branagan, Marty 2014, 'Nonviolence Against Nazism: What Occurred and What Could Have Occurred', Social Alternatives, Vol. 33, No.4, pp. http://socialalternatives.com/issues/year-peace

Branagan, Marty 2014, 'Australian Opposition to Uranium Mining: A History of Nonviolence Development', International Journal of Rural Law and Policy, No. 1, http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/ijrlp/issue/view/303

Branagan, Marty 2011, 'The Folklore of War and Peace', Australian Folklore, Vol.26, November, pp. 28-42.

Branagan, Marty 2011, 'Communicating a Nonviolent Paradigm Through the Arts and Humour', New Community Quarterly, Vol.9, no 2, Issue 34, pp. 35-44

Branagan, Marty 2011, 'Recent Immigrants in Rural Towns: A Moree case study', New Community Quarterly, Vol.9, no 2, Issue 34, pp. 23-27

Branagan, Marty 2010, 'Nonviolent Social Change in the Contemporary World', New Community Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1, Autumn, pp. 44 -48.

Branagan, Marty 2009, 'Nonviolence or Continued Militarism and Climate Change?' New Community Quarterly Vol. 7 No. 1 Autumn 2009 pp. 25-27.

Branagan, Marty 2007a, 'The Last Laugh: Humour in Community Activism', Community Development Journal, vol. 42, no. 4,  pp. 470-481.

Branagan, Marty 2007b,  'Activism and the Power of Humour', Australian Journal of Communication, vol.34, no. 1, pp. 41-54.

Branagan, Marty 2006a, 'Volunteerism and Learning in the Eco-pax Movement',  New Community Quarterly, vol. 4 no. 3, Spring, pp. 28-30.

Branagan, Marty 2005a, 'The Art(s) of Nonviolence', New Community Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 23–27.

Branagan, Martin 2005, 'Environmental Education, Activism and the Arts', Convergence, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 33-50.

Branagan, Marty 2004, 'We Shall Never Be Moved', Journal of Australian Studies: New Talents 21C:Write/up, no. 80, pp. 201-210.

Branagan, Marty  2003a, 'The Art of Nonviolent Activism', Social Alternatives Vol. 22 No. 3, Third Quarter, 2003, pp 50-55.

Branagan, Martin and Boughton, Bob 2003, 'How Do You Learn How to Change the World? Learning and Teaching in Australian Protest Movements', Australian Journal of Adult Learning 43/3 (November 2003), pp. 346-360.

Book Reviews

Branagan, Marty 2017 ‘Review of Erik Paul’s Australian Political Economy of Violence and Nonviolence’, New Community.

Branagan, Marty 2014 ‘Book Review: Journalism and Conflict in Indonesia: From Reporting Violence to Promoting Peace by Steve Sharp’, New Community, Vol. 20, No. 4, Issue 48, pp. 49-50.

Non-Traditional Outputs

Branagan, Marty et al 2018 Surreal Thing (Produced Substantial Public Exhibition of Original Creative Work), Armidale Art Gallery, 3-27 November.

Branagan, Marty 2015 Global Warning (Produced Substantial Public Exhibition of Original Creative Work): an exhibition of artworks relating to climate change), Woodlands Centre, Armidale, 23 October to 30 November.

International Journal

Branagan, Marty 2016 ‘Recent activity by Peace Studies, University of New England, Australia’, IPRA Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 2, p. 5 http://www.iprapeace.org/images/newsletters/ipra-news-letter6-vol-2.pdf

National Journals

Branagan, Marty 2016 ‘National Tertiary Education Divestment May Have Unexpected Benefits’, New Community, Vol. 14, No. 1, Issue 53, p. 53.

Branagan, Marty 2015 ‘Divestment as a Powerful Tactic’, NTEU Advocate, vol. 22 no. 3, November 2015, p. 27, www.nteu.org.au/advocate

Branagan, Marty 2003b, 'The Art(s) of Nonviolent Protest in Australia: 1982-2002' in Dissent No. 11 Autumn/Winter  2003 pp 36-40.

Branagan, Marty 2003c, "The Role of the Arts as a Tool of Nonviolence in the Australian Protest Movement 1982-2002" in Campus Review (Postgraduate Forum) Vol 13, No 17 May 7-13 2003 p 9.

Branagan, Marty 2000, 'Jabiluka Response', Nonviolence Today, no.65, May-Aug, p.7.

O'Dwyer, Belinda & Branagan, Marty 1995, 'Forest industry lies', Green Left Weekly, no. 196, 2 August, p. 28.

Council Social and Community Plans

Branagan, Marty and Reavell, Ron 2009, Moree Social and Community Plan, Centre for Applied Research in Social Science, University of New England.

Horacek, Stefan; Branagan, Marty; Scott, John; Reavell, Ron 2009, Walcha Social and Community Plan, Centre for Applied Research in Social Science, University of  New England.

Horacek, Stefan; Branagan, Marty; Scott, John; Reavell, Ron 2009, Uralla Social and Community Plan, Centre for Applied Research in Social Science, University of  New England.

Horacek, Stefan; Branagan, Marty; Scott, John; Reavell, Ron 2009, Guyra Social and Community Plan, Centre for Applied Research in Social Science, University of  New England.

Horacek, Stefan; Branagan, Marty; Scott, John; Reavell, Ron (plus council staff) 2009, Armidale Dumaresq Social and Community Plan, Centre for Applied Research in Social Science, University of New England.

Conference Presentations and Website Postings

Branagan, Marty 2021 Invited panellist for final session of the 11-day international Raising Peace virtual festival around the International Day of Peace, 26th September.

Branagan, Marty 2020 Panel: Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild, co-Chair and presenter, HASSE Research Summit UNE, 4 Nov.

Branagan, Marty 2020 panellist Rethinking Wilderness panels: Conservation IASNR conference 2020: International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) 2020 Virtual Conference, July 11 to 26, 2020 21 July.

Branagan, Marty 2020  cli-fi panelist, moderated three-way discussion on role that cli-fi can play in motivating readers to take action, the pros and cons of apocalyptic vs utopian fiction, part of the UTas Global Climate Change Week, 23 October http://globalclimatechangeweek.com organised by Dr Eve Croeser.

Branagan, Marty 2020 ‘Aboriginal Technologies and Nonviolent Action’, Steam Dreaming conference, CB Newling Building and Oorala Aboriginal Centre, 21-2 February.

Branagan, Marty 2020 ‘Nonviolence vs Nazism’, Kazakhstan conference online international conference, broadcast live on Kazakhstan national TV: "75 Years after WWII: Shared lessons and memories for humanity", Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, 6 May.

Branagan, Marty 2019 ‘The Franklin River Campaign: A Case Study in Nonviolent Climate Action’, 11th Biennial Conference - European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) Peace In Difficult Times: Challenges Europe and the World Face, University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Sciences, 10-12 October 2019

Branagan, Marty 2019 Locked On! Eco-Arts Australis third national conference, Using the visual and performing arts to encourage pro-environmental behavior, Wollongong University, 26-8 May.

Branagan, Marty 2019 Locked On! Grounding Story, 7th Biennial Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture Conference, UNE, 13-15 February.

Branagan, Marty 2019, Keynote speaker EEAA Kirrawee 2019, Kirrawee High School 3-5 October.

Branagan, Marty 2019 ‘Locked On! Why Humorous Cli-Fi?’ 34th Australian Association for Environmental Education (NSW) conference Active Nature: Learning, Citizenship and Activism for Sustainability, 4 October.

Branagan, Marty 2018 Locked On! HASS Research Day, UNE, 5 December.

Branagan, Marty 2017 The Overlooked Role of Women in Nonviolent Action, Annual UNE Humanities Research Days 5-6 December.

Branagan, Marty 2017 ‘The Overlooked Role of Women in Nonviolent Environmental Action’, IPC Convergence Hyderabad, India, 27 November.

Branagan, Marty 2017 Franklin River Blockade: A case study of nonviolent direct action, School of Humanities, UNE seminar series, 10 March http://www.une.edu.au/connect/events/events/humanities-seminar6

Branagan, Marty and Bible, Vanessa 2017 ‘Peace-Related Collections in Dixson Library’, ACHRC Humanities in the Regions Conference Impact, Engagement and Connectivity, 18-19 May, UNE.

Branagan, Marty 2016 ‘Tintin: From Violent Communist-Hating Conservative to Radical Peacenik’, School of Humanities Research Day, UNE, 2 December.

Kelly, Kathryn and Branagan, Marty 2016 ‘No War, No Warming’, Beyond Coal and Gas: The Transition is Now, Myuna Bay, 8-11 April.

Branagan, Marty 2016 ‘Images from the Exhibition ‘Global Warning’, Building Sustainability with the Arts, EcoArts Australis Second National Conference, University of Wollongong, Wollongong 14-16 February.

Branagan, Marty 2016 ‘The Franklin River Campaign: A Case Study in Nonviolent

Wilderness Conservation’,Wilderness: 40 Years and 40,000 Years, UNE, 13 May.

Branagan, Marty 2015 ‘Nazism, Nonviolence and Divestment’, UNE Peace Studies conference Questioning 'peace formation' and 'peace infrastructure', 26-8 August UNE FutureCampus, Parramatta.

Branagan, Marty 2014 Keynote Speaker, The Activist's Journey seminar, The Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies and United Nations Association of Australia, University of Sydney, 24 April.

Branagan, Marty 2014 'Global Warming, Militarism and Nonviolence', Independent  and Peaceful Australia Network conference, ANU 22 April, part of Canberra Peace Convergence, 21-6 April

Branagan, Marty 2014 'Nonviolent Resistance to Nazi Germany: What Occurred and What Could Have Occurred', International Peace Research Association 25th global conference Uniting for Peace: Building Sustainable Peace Through Universal Values, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 August.

Branagan, Marty 2014 Australian Opposition to Uranium Mining: A History of Nonviolence Development', International Peace Research Association 25th global conference Uniting for Peace: Building Sustainable Peace Through Universal Values, Istanbul, Turkey (paper presented twice), 11-15 August.

Branagan, Marty 2013, 'Artistic Activism', EcoArts Australis Conference, Wollongong University, 12-13 May.

Branagan, Marty 2013, 'Artworks from a Warming Planet', EcoArts Australis Conference, Wollongong University, 12-13 May.

Branagan, Marty 2013, International Day of Peace forum, UNE 2013

Branagan, Marty 2012, 'Fighting Fire With Water: Nonviolent Alternatives to Militarism as a Climate Change Strategy', International Peace Research Association global conference 2012, "Peace and Justice in a Globalised World: Opportunities and Challenges", Mie University, Japan, 24-28 November (paper presented three times).

Branagan, Marty 2011, Workshop Presentation, NTEU Climate Change Conference 'Pushing the Boundaries', Melbourne, 28-9 April.

Branagan, Marty 2011, 'Nonviolence: How Most Revolutions Really Occur', School of Humanities Seminar Series, University of New England, 5 August.

Branagan, Marty 2010, 'Communicating a Nonviolent Green Paradigm Through the Arts and Humour', Communicating Peace: International Peace Research Association (IPRA) Conference, University of Sydney, 6-10 July.

Branagan, Marty 2006b, 'Humorous Activism: Heal While You Edumacate', Australian  and New Zealand Humour, Health and Education Conference, UNE October 27-29.

Branagan, Marty 2003f, 'International Nonviolent Action: a Middle Path between War and Appeasement', Neucleus and website.

Branagan, Marty 2002a, 'The Art(s) of Nonviolent Protest in Australia: 1982-2002' Paper  presented at Art of Dissent conference October 21st 2002.

Branagan, Marty 2003c "Can the International Community End a Dictatorship Nonviolently?" Paper delivered to Teach-In for Peace, "Options for Action", 27th March, 2003, University of New England.

Branagan, Marty 2004b, 'The Toppling of Slobodan Milosevic', Neucleus, no. 6,  pp. 12-13. Also available from http://www.thechangeagency.org/campaigners-toolkit/research-projects/articles-papers/

Branagan, Marty 2004c, 'International Nonviolent Action: a Middle Path between War and Appeasement', Neucleus, no. 1, February,  pp. 11-13. Also available from http://www.thechangeagency.org/campaigners-toolkit/research-projects/articles-papers/

Conference Review

Branagan, Marty 2003d "A Review of the 'Art of Dissent' National Conference" in Graduate Post (UNEPA, UNE) vol.11, no. 1, Feb, pp. 9-10.


Branagan, Marty on behalf of Peace Studies 2021 ‘The Environmental Consequences of the United States-Australia Military Alliance, and Sustainable Defence Through Nonviolent Methods’, Independent and Peaceful Australia’s People’s Inquiry: Exploring the Case for an Independent and Peaceful Australia, 23 July, https://independentpeacefulaustralia.com.au/

Art Journal Reviews

Branagan, Marty 2002b 'Art Attack' in Art Insight May 2002 p17.

Branagan, Marty 2002c 'William Robinson: Exhibition Review' in Art Insight (NERAM) May 2002 p.10.

Branagan, Marty 2002d 'Belle Ile: Monet, Russell and Matisse in Brittany' (exhibition review) in Art Insight (NERAM) May 2002 p11.

Branagan, Marty 2002e 'John Llewelyn Jones: Australia's Forgotten Painter' (exhibition review) in Tamworth City Gallery News, issue 30, Spring  page 5.

Branagan, Marty 2003h "Art of Dissent" Review, Art Insight

Branagan, Marty 2003i "Groundswell" Conference Review, Art Insight

Newspaper Reviews and Articles

Branagan. Marty 2002f 'Living Our Faith'  (art review) in Armidale Express April 24, 2002 p14.

Branagan. Marty 2002g 'Salvador Dali' (exhibition review) in Armidale Express Extra Intune magazine 7-13 November 2002 p.5.

Branagan. Marty 2001a "Keep Our Food GE Free" in Armidale Express Extra April 6, 2001 p 3

Branagan. Marty 2001b 'Campaign for a Freeze on Genetically Engineered Food' in Graduate Post (UNE) vol.9. no.2 May 2001 p.8

Branagan. Marty 2001c "Green Coalition Calls For A Freeze on Genetically Engineered Foods in Neucleus (UNESA, UNE) April 2001 pp 8-9

Branagan. Marty 2001d 'Bob Dylan: Weird as Ever' (concert review) in Neucleus March 2001.

Branagan, Marty 2003g "Genetic Engineering and the Precautionary Principle", Neucleus

Further Information