Dr Stephen Janes

Adjunct Professor - School of Law

Stephen Janes


PhD, LLB, BEco (USyd)


Janes SA, Liebhold D, Studdert P;Wills, Probate and Administration Law in New South Wales, Second Edition, Thomson Reuters, 2020

“Intestacy” chapter in Halsbury’s Laws of Australia

Wills in Practice Service (CCH) – Consultant

"Wills" and "Probate" chapters in Court Forms, Precedents and Pleadings New South Wales, Lexis-Nexis.

Revision of College of Law Practice Paper WE205 Letters of Administration and Reseals


Member, Law Society of New South Wales Specialist Accreditation Committee for Wills and Estates since 2008-2019 with responsibility for examining candidates seeking specialist accreditation.

Member, College of Law External Advisory Committee for the Master of Applied Law (Wills and Estates) since 2012.

Regular presenter for the New South Wales Bar Association, College of Law and local area law societies’ Continuing Legal Education programs on Succession Law topics.