Dr Eric Ghosh

Associate Professor - Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law; School of Law

Eric Ghosh

Phone: +61 2 6773 5208

Email: eghosh@une.edu.au


Before joining the School of Law in 2003, Dr Ghosh was a tutor and research assistant at Sydney Law School. He also worked as an associate and research assistant in the Federal Court in Sydney. His research interests are in constitutional theory, deliberative democracy, and the republican political tradition.

At UNE, he has predominantly taught Jurisprudence and Administrative Law. He has also served as Law Course Coordinator, Chair of the School’s Teaching and Learning Committee, acting Deputy Head, staff representative on Academic Board, and has served in various roles on the Senior Common Room at Mary White College.


BA LLB (Hons) LLM (Hons) PhD (Syd), Legal Practitioner (NSW)

Teaching Areas

LAW455 - Jurisprudence

LAW400 - Administrative Law

LLM500 - Research theory and methodology

Primary Research Area/s

Constitutional theory; Republican political tradition; Deliberative democracy

Research Supervision Experience

Research LLM and Honours theses


  • Beyond the republican revival: Non-domination, positive liberty and sortition (Hart, 2020)
  • 'Deliberative constitutionalism: An empirical dimension' in Jeff King, Hoi Kong, Ron Levy and Graeme Orr (eds), Cambridge Handbook on Deliberative Constitutionalism (Cambridge University Press, 2018) 220-32
  • ‘Judicial reference to community values – A pointer towards constitutional juries?’ in Thomas Bustamante and Bernardo Fernandes (eds), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspectives on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Switzerland: Springer, 2016) 247-71.
  • "The Australian Constitution and Expressive Reform" (2012) 24(2) Giornale di Storia Costituzionale (Journal of Constitutional History) 95­–116: Special issue on "Themes and Traditions in Australian Constitutional Law and History"
  • "Deliberative democracy and the countermajoritarian difficulty: Considering constitutional juries" (2010) 30 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 327-59.
  • "From republican to liberal liberty" (2008) 29 History of Political Thought 132–67
  • "Republican liberty and constitutional constraints" (2000) Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 273–85
  • "Applying Pettit's republican liberty to criminal justice and judicial decision-making: the need for other values including desert and a suggestion that they be understood consequentially" (1999) 22 University of New South Wales Law Journal 122-54
  • "Republicanism, community values and social psychology: a response to Braithwaite's model of judicial deliberation" (1998) 20 Sydney Law Review 5–41

For more information on Eric's publications, see http://ssrn.com/author=499518.

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