Jonathon Clay

HDR Support Officer – Admissions and Enrolments - Graduate Research School


Newly appointed to the Graduate Research School, Jon has a background in Education and Biological Science at UNE. During his time working in Biomedical and Animal Science, he discovered his knack for problem solving and communicating scientific concepts to a broad range of people, including students, academics and industry.

Jon pursued, and recently completed, a Master of Science in Animal Physiology as a capstone to his scientific pursuits thus far. During his candidature, he provided support and guidance to fellow students and colleagues through their own research as the HDR Representative for the School of Environmental and Rural Science, was an active member of teaching staff, and provided administrative support to the Student Consultative Committee representing both undergraduate and post-graduate cohorts at UNE. Through his diverse experience, Jon reinforced his passion for education, communication and supporting people to pursue their goals in research and education.

Jon strives to support and encourage people in pursuit of their educational and professional goals. He is passionate about people reaching their full potential, and understands from personal experience the importance of support and communication in seizing opportunities throughout the entire post-graduate journey.


B.Sc./B.Teach. (Biochemistry/Genetics), Dip.Sc., M.Sc. (Physiology)