Dr Masoud Ganji

Lecturer - School of Science and Technology

Masoud Ganji

Phone: +61 2 6773 6773

Email: mganjia2@une.edu.au


After completing my master’s degree at University of Ahvaz, Iran, I gained four years of teaching experience in mathematics at the university level. Subsequently, I was awarded competitive financial support as a postgraduate student by the Mathematical Analysis and Modelling Research Group at the University of New England in March 2015. Three years later, in February 2019, I obtained my PhD in Mathematics from the University of New England under the supervision of Professor Gerd Schmalz. My PhD thesis focused on "Shear-free Lorentzian geometry and CR geometry," addressing the embedding problem of formal CR manifolds into complex space in CR geometry.

My research is primarily focused on two related categories. The first area revolves around the embedding problem of abstract CR structures, where I investigate the challenges and techniques involved in embedding formal CR manifolds into complex space, addressing fundamental issues in CR geometry. The second area of my research delves into studying the geometric structures of Einstein metrics in general relativity. This involves exploring the properties and implications of Einstein metrics within the context of general relativity. These two research areas complement each other and contribute to a deeper understanding of mathematical and geometric concepts in both CR geometry and general relativity


BSc (Shahre-kord University, Iran), MSc (University of Ahvaz, Iran), PhD (University of New England)

Teaching Areas

First and second year mathematics

Primary Research Area/s

CR and Complex geometry; Mathematical physics; Differential geometry

Research Interests

  • Embeddibility problem for CR-structures
  • Einstein’s equations in General Relativity


Ganji, M., Schmalz, G., and Sykes, D. Quasi-Einstein shearfree spacetimes lifted from Sasakian manifolds, July 2023, accepted.

Cowling, M.G., Ganji, M., Ottazzi, A., Schmalz, G. CR embeddings of CR manifolds. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 2022.

Alekseevsky, D. V., Ganji, M., Schmalz, G., and Spiro, A. Lorentzian manifolds with shearfree congruences and Kahler-Sasaki geometry. Differential Geometry and its Applications, 75, 101724, 2021.

Schmalz, G., and Ganji, M. A criterion for local embeddability of three-dimensional CR structures. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -), 198(2), 491-503, 2019.

Alekseevsky, D. V., Ganji, M., and Schmalz, G. CR-geometry and Shearfree Lorentzian Geometry. In Geometric Complex Analysis (Singapore, 2018), J. Byun, H. R. Cho, S. Y. Kim, K.-H. Lee, and J.-D. Park, Eds., Springer Singapore, pp. 11-22.

CR embeddings of nilpotent Lie groups: M. Cowling, M. Ganji, A. Ottazzi and G. Schmalz, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, April 2024.

Alekseevsky, D. V., Ganji, M., Schmalz, G., and Spiro, A. The Levi-Civita connections of Lorentzian manifolds with prescribed optical geometries, CUBO, A Mathematical Journal, May 2024


Australian Mathematical Society