Advanced Standing towards Social Work Courses including Field Education Units

When applying for Advanced Standing (Formal Learning) towards a SOCIAL WORK Course (including Field Education), you must complete the following:

  1. Review the relevant information about Advanced Standing application to ensure compliance with the relevant policy, procedures and guidelines.
  2. Complete the Online Advanced Standing Application Form (indicating which UNE units you are seeking Advanced Standing based on previous studies).
  3. Provide supporting documentation from your higher education provider about the course undertaken (including fieldwork placement units) including:
    1. A complete certified academic transcript, showing all grades, that has been stamped and verified by a Justice of the Peace (we do not accept online result slips or transcripts) or My eQuals-Electronic Transcript.
    2. Unit outlines from the year you completed the units including the following: description of the unit, aims, objectives, assessments, unit weighting, a list of reference books and textbooks.

Note: Advanced Standing for Formal Learning applies where you have completed Social Work units (including Field Education) through another higher education provider.

When applying for Advanced Standing (Non-formal Learning) towards a SOCIAL WORK Course (Field Education 1 only), you must complete the following:

  1. Prior to making an application, students are required to contact the Course Coordinator to discuss their circumstances, the process and requirements. Guidance will be provided concerning the relative merits of an application proceeding.
  2. Review the relevant information about Advanced Standing application and information about Advanced Standing for the First Social Work Field Education Placement based on Non-Formal Learning to ensure compliance with the policy, procedure and guidelines.
  3. Complete the Application for Advanced Standing for Field Education Placement found in the Advanced Standing for the First Social Work Field Education Placement section in the Common Ground Fieldwork Booth page. Ensure all required evidence is attached.
  4. Submit the application portfolio including the Application for Advanced Standing for Field Education Placement based on Non-Formal Learning, and supporting evidence, to the UNE Student Central Directorate via the Advanced Standing Application Form as per the UNE Advanced Standing process.
  5. The application will be reviewed by the Student Central Directorate for compliance and referred to the Course Coordinator for consideration.
  6. The Course Coordinator will assess the merits of the application in consultation with the Field Education Coordinator. This may include consultation with others who have relevant information to provide, including referees. The assessment criteria include:
    1. evidence of the applicant’s relevant experience;
    2. demonstration of currency of work experience as per AASW requirements;
    3. employer validation of relevant work experience;
    4. evidence that the applicant’s experience demonstrates they met the field education placement learning areas and are consistent with the unit learning outcomes of the relevant unit;
    5. integration of social work theory and practice at the level required for the relevant unit, including demonstration of a thorough understanding of the theoretical underpinnings as well as skills and experiential aspects of social work practice;
    6. practice experience consistent with the AASW ethics and professional standards; and,
    7. referee confirmation of consistency with AASW currency of work experience.
  7. On completion of the assessment of the Advanced Standing application the student will be advised of the outcome as per UNE Advanced Standing procedure.
  8. Where students are not successful in their application for Advanced Standing they will be advised of the reasons for the decision.
  9. On advice of Advanced Standing not being approved students need to ensure they meet the mandatory requirements and have lodged a Placement Request as per Unit requirements in a timely manner to enable them to undertake their field education placement as per their course schedule. For further information see the Common Ground Social Work Community Fieldwork Booth.

Note: Advanced Standing for Non-Formal Learning may be applied for on the basis of previous work experience and is able to be considered for the first Field Education unit (HSSW310/330/450) only.