Key facts

UNE unit code: GEOL210

*You are viewing the 2025 version of this unit which may be subject to change in future.

  • Trimester 2 - Online
  • Trimester 3 - Online
24/7 online support
  • Yes
Intensive schools
  • No
Supervised exam
  • No
Credit points
  • 6

Unit information

UNE student studies on a laptop on her lounge at home

This unit presents a general introduction to dinosaurs, their position in the history of life, along with their rise, fall and survival.

Through a “dinosaur lens”, you will learn about major transitions in the history of life and their relationship to Earth Systems, such as plate tectonics and environmental changes.

Completing this unit will provide you with a basic understanding of evolution as interpreted from the fossil record, where you will learn to explain the geological and biological importance of fossils. You will explore the life and times of dinosaurs throughout the Mesozoic Era, after which you will be able to distinguish between major groups of dinosaurs and use their anatomy to evaluate dinosaur growth, behaviour and evolution.

This unit assumes no previous scientific studies and is suitable for commencing science students and those with a general interest in palaeontology, geology and/or biology.


For further information about UNE's teaching periods, please go to Principal Dates.

Teaching period
Trimester 2Online
Trimester 3Online

*Offering is subject to availability

Intensive schools

There are no intensive schools required for this unit.

Enrolment rules

There are no requisites for this unit.


The School of Environmental and Rural Science considers all seminar and tutorial activities as essential to student learning. Attendance and participation in all sessions is mandatory - exemptions will not be granted without supporting evidence.

Please refer to the student handbook for current details on this unit.

Unit coordinator(s)

profile photo of Nicolas Campione Ruben
Nicolas Campione RubenSenior Lecturer in Palaeobiology, Palaeontology and Evolution - Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law; School of Environmental and Rural Science
Phil Bell

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. identify major transitions in the evolution of life on Earth;
  2. relate Earth Systems to the evolution of life, in particular those associated with dinosaur origins, survival and extinction;
  3. demonstrate the importance of fossils for geological and biological understandings;
  4. explain the position of dinosaurs in the Tree of Life;
  5. identify major dinosaur groups based on key anatomical characteristics; and
  6. use anatomical characteristics to interpret dinosaur biology.

Assessment information

Assessments are subject to change up to 8 weeks prior to the start of the teaching period in which you are undertaking the unit.

TitleMust CompleteWeightOfferingsAssessment Notes
Online PracticalsYes50%All offerings

Students will carry out five practical exercises using fossil specimens. Weightings of each practical will vary based on complexity, combining to 50% of the final grade. Equivalent to approximately 20 hours.

Online QuizzesYes25%All offerings

Students will complete five quizzes, each related to the topics covered in the lectures and practicals. Each quiz is worth 5% of the final grade. Equivalent to approxamately 3.5 hours.

Topic PresentationYes25%All offerings

Students will develop a poster on a dinosaur topic, and record an oral presentation, where they present on their topic. 

Learning resources

Textbooks are subject to change up to 8 weeks prior to the start of the teaching period in which you are undertaking the unit.

Note: Students are expected to purchase prescribed material. Please note that textbook requirements may vary from one teaching period to the next.

Dinosaurs: How We Know What We Know.

ISBN: 9780367563813

Mary Higby Schweitzer, Elena Rita Schroeter, Charles Doug Czajka., CRC Press 2020

Note: This textbook introduces research on dinosaurs by describing the science behind how we know what we know about dinosaurs. A wide range of topics is covered, from fossils and taphonomy to dinosaur physiology, evolution, and extinction. In addition, sedimentology, paleo-tectonics, and non-dinosaurian Mesozoic life are discussed. There is a special opportunity to capitalize on the enthusiasm for dinosaurs that students bring to classrooms to foster a deeper engagement in all sciences. Students are encouraged to synthesize information, employ critical thinking, construct hypotheses, devise methods to test these hypotheses, and come to new defensible conclusions, just as paleontologists do. This text can also be purchased as an eBook: ISBN 9780429882456

Text refers to: All offerings

Note: Recommended material is held in the University Library — purchase is optional.

The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs.

ISBN: 9781509830091

Steve Brusatte, Picador 2019

Note: 66 million years ago the dinosaurs were wiped from the face of the earth. Today, Dr. Steve Brusatte, one of the leading scientists of a new generation of dinosaur hunters, armed with cutting edge technology, is piecing together the complete story of how the dinosaurs ruled the earth for 150 million years. The world of the dinosaurs has fascinated on book and screen for decades – from early science fiction classics like The Lost World, to Godzilla terrorizing the streets of Tokyo, and the monsters of Jurassic Park. But what if we got it wrong? In The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, top dinosaur expert Brusatte, tells the real story of how dinosaurs rose to dominate the planet. Using the fossil clues that have been gathered using state of the art technology, Brusatte follows these magnificent creatures from their beginnings in the Early Triassic period, through the Jurassic period to their final days in the Cretaceous and the legacy that they left behind.

Text refers to: All offerings

Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History.

ISBN: 9781108469296

David E. Fastovsky, David B. Weishampel, Cambridge University Press. 4th 2021

Note: The ideal textbook for non-science majors, this lively and engaging introduction encourages students to ask questions, assess data critically and think like a scientist. Building on the success of the previous editions, Dinosaurs has been reorganised and extensively rewritten in response to instructor and student feedback. It continues to make science accessible and relevant through its clear explanations and extensive illustrations. Updated to reflect recent fossil discoveries and to include new taxa, the text guides students through the dinosaur groups, emphasising scientific concepts rather than presenting endless facts. It is grounded in the common language of modern evolutionary biology - phylogenetic systematics - so that students examine dinosaurs as professional paleontologists do. The key emerging theme of feathered dinosaurs, and the many implications of feathers, have been integrated throughout the book, highlighted by the inclusion of stunning new photographs in this beautifully illustrated text, now in full colour throughout. An eBook version is also available: ISBN 9781108667579

Text refers to: All offerings

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