Key facts

UNE unit code: WORK500

*You are viewing the 2025 version of this unit which may be subject to change in future.

  • Trimester 1 - Online
  • Trimester 2 - Online
24/7 online support
  • Yes
Intensive schools
  • No
Supervised exam
  • No
Credit points
  • 6

Unit information

UNE student studies on a laptop on her lounge at home

The unit will enable you to apply your academic knowledge in a real-world workplace, and reflect on your experience, so you can increase your employability.

Your experience includes 120 hours of supervised professional activity or directed investigation in an Australian-based host workplace, plus not more than 30 hours of additional study, and assignment preparation.

Before you start, you’ll need to complete an Online Preparation unit, as well as find a host employer and a suitable academic to set your assessment. Please note that your work placement is not part of the academic assessment, but the hours will need to be confirmed by your host employer.


For further information about UNE's teaching periods, please go to Principal Dates.

Teaching period
Trimester 1Online
Trimester 2Online

*Offering is subject to availability

Intensive schools

There are no intensive schools required for this unit.

Enrolment rules

12cp of postgraduate study at 300 level or above in current course of study; or for GradCertProfPrac or GradDipProfPrac 6cp at 300 level or above in current course of study, and approval of UNE Employability & Careers
for GradCertProfPrac or GradDipProfPrac: DYPP500A or DYPP500B
candidature in GradCertAcct or GradCertAppEc or GradCertArts or GradCertDataCyberMgt or GradCertDataSc or GradCertDis or GradCertEdStud or GradCerteLearning or GradCertEnvSc or GradCertFinPlan or GradCertHM or GCHProfEd or GradCertHRM or GradCertInfoTech or GradCertMentalHlthPrac or GradCertNDISBusDev or GradCertNatHaz or GradCertResMethHSC or GradCertSc or GradDipAcct or GradDipCouns or GradDipDataSc or GradDipDis or GradDipEdStuds or GradDipFinPlan or GradDipHM or GradDipInfoTech or GradDipMgt or GradDipMentalHlthPrac or GradDipNatHaz or GradDipPsych or GradDipPsych(Adv) or GradDipPubAcc or GradDipSc or GradDipUrbRegPlan or MBA(Intl) or MCouns or MDataSc or MEc or MEd or MEnvScMgt or MHM or MHM(Intl) or MInfoTech or MInfoTech(Bus) or MMentalHlthPrac or MNeurosc or MN or MNP or MNatHaz or MProfPsych or MPsych(Clin) or MScAg or MSW(ProfQual) or MTeach(Primary) or MTeach(Sec) or MUrbRegPlan or EdD or PhD or PhD(ClinPsych) or MEd(Res) or MEnvSc(Res) or LLM or MPhil or MRurSc or MSc


The unit will include an Australian based work placement of 120 hours - this may be paid or unpaid. Existing employment may also be used if it is deemed relevant to the program of study that you are enrolled in at UNE.

This placement must be relevant to the student program of study and be approved by the Unit Co-ordinator.

No Advanced Standing will be granted for this unit or work already undertaken.

Some courses may not accommodate this unit.

This unit cannot be completed overseas. The work placement must be undertaken in Australia.


Please refer to the student handbook for current details on this unit.

Unit coordinator(s)

Careers and Employabilities

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. identify and apply expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills in the workplace;
  2. critically analyse, reflect on and synthesise complex information, problems, and concepts as they apply to the workplace; and
  3. generate a suitable body of work in an appropriate format which demonstrates an integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge in one or more areas of practice.

Assessment information

Assessments are subject to change up to 8 weeks prior to the start of the teaching period in which you are undertaking the unit.

TitleMust CompleteWeightOfferingsAssessment Notes
Employer ReportYes25%All offerings

Students complete a report identifying key information about their host employer.

Work Placement PortfolioYes65%All offerings

Students complete a work placement portfolio of their experiences while on work placement.

Work Placement Readiness Yes10%All offerings

Students complete a series of tasks to demonstrate their readiness for work placement.

Learning resources

Textbooks are subject to change up to 8 weeks prior to the start of the teaching period in which you are undertaking the unit.

Textbook information will be displayed approximately 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the teaching period. Please note that textbook requirements may vary from one teaching period to the next.

A five-star experience

2024 Overall Experience Good University Logo

Five Stars,
18 Years in a Row

UNE is the only public uni in Australia awarded 18 straight years of five stars for Overall Experience

Good Universities Guide 2007-2024
2024 Student Experience Good University Logo

No.1 in NSW for
Student Experience

QILT (government-endorsed) ranks UNE as the top public NSW uni for Student Experience

QILT Student Experience Survey
2024 Teaching Quality Good University Logo

Five Stars for
Teaching Quality

UNE rates among the top 20 per cent of universities in Australia for Teaching Quality

Good Universities Guide 2024
Woman studying online at home

Studying online

At UNE we know it takes more than just being online to be a great online university. It takes time and experience. We pioneered distance education for working adults back in the 1950s, so we’ve been doing this longer than any other Australian university.

We understand the challenges faced by busy adults studying at home. We know that a vital part of online study is your engagement with the learning community. Communication with your classmates, teaching staff and university support staff will enhance your study experience and ensure that your skills extend beyond the subject matter. UNE’s teaching staff are experts in their field which is why UNE consistently receives five stars from students for teaching quality, support and overall experience.*

*The Good Universities Guide

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Why study with us?

Graduate and mother Claire Haiek at work as a parenting producer at

I'm grateful to UNE for the opportunities studying has given me, but above all, for making me realise I could actually do it, and giving me a sense of accomplishment.

Claire Haiek, graduate, Pathways Enabling Course (photo:

What happens next?

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1. Decide on your course

Got any questions about a course you would like to study? Don’t hesitate to contact us, our Future Student team is standing by to help.

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2. Apply

2025 applications are now open. The application process only takes 20 minutes to complete. Don’t delay, apply now!

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3. Receive an offer, enrol and start studying

Your start date is based on the study period you choose to apply for.